«Digital Media Worlds. The New Economy of Media», DE PRATO, Giuditta; SANZ, Esteve; SIMON, Jean Paul (2014)


Economía de la comunicaciónLibros

Año publicación: 2014
Autor: Jean Paul, Esteve; SIMON

Palgrave Macmillan

Taking a multisector and multimarket approach, Digital Media Worlds provides an in-depth analysis of the major economic developments of the book publishing, broadcasting, film, music, newspaper and video game industries. The contributors offer a detailed overview of the industries and their dynamics within global telecommunications, media and IT, combining vertical views and a synthetic horizontal approach to marshal facts and document their economic relevance. The collection focuses on core economic and management issues (cost structures, value network chain, business models) and analyses new ecosystems and value chains in global markets such as Asia.


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