Palgrave Macmillan
Community media journalists are, in essence, 'filling in the gaps' left by mainstream news outlets. Forde's extensive 11 year study now develops an understanding of the journalistic practices at work in independent and community news organisations. Alternative media has never been so widely written about until now.
Chapter 1: Understanding alternative and independent journalism
Chapter 2: Defining moments in the history of alternative journalism
Chapter 3: Finding the basis for alternative and independent journalism
Chapter 4: Looking for answers: How alternative media journalists engage their audiences
Chapter 5: Connecting with democracy: The 'new' alternative media
Chapter 6: Throwing out the bathwater (but not the baby): Objectivity, 'professionalism' and the economics of alternative journalism
Chapter 7: The global policy environment for alternative and community media forms
Chapter 8: Concluding thoughts: The nature of alternative journalism