Research Traditions in Dialogue: Communication Studies in Latin America and Europe


LibrosTecnologías de la comunicación

Editorial: media XXI
Año publicación: 2020
Autor: Fernando Oliveira Paulino, Gabriel Kaplún, Miguel Vicente Mariño e Leonardo Custódio

This book is a meeting point, a place where the paths and efforts of authors and scientific associations converge to overcome the ocean that separates them to collectively build a panoramic vision of Communication Research, based on critical dialogue and institutional cooperation.
These pages are one of the main fruits of the collaboration established between the Latin American Association of Communication Researchers (ALAIC) and the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), two core entities in the scientific system of their respective continents that have learnt to support each other in order to develop their own projects that strengthen their cultural and academic ties. A support that has
also been received from the University of Brasilia and the University of Valladolid.
The historical evolution of the field of Communication is a stimulating object of study, since its analysis allows us to observe the relationships – or its absence – that are established between people and groups that share training, theoretical concepts and research methods, but that have not had a reflexive conversation about what separates and unites them. Thus, functionalism, critical theory, cultural studies, alternative currents, decolonial or  postcolonial proposals, and feminist movements shape this innovative editorial proposal, which allows systematizing part of the existing knowledge about the evolution and consolidation of Communication as an autonomous scientific discipline, both in Latin America and in Europe.