The Palgrave Handbook of Corporate Sustainability in the Digital Era. Park, Seung Ho, Gonzalez-Perez, Maria Alejandra, Floriani, Dinora (Eds.) (2021)


LibrosTecnologías de la comunicación

Año publicación: Eds.
Autor: Dinora, Floriani

+ info: Palgrave Macmillan

This handbook addresses the intersection between corporate sustainability and digital transformation. It analyzes the challenges and transformations required to be able to have sustainable businesses with a future orientation. Topics include current and potential social, demographic, technological, and managerial trends; the implications of the digital revolution in society and business; as well as the challenges of being sustainable, and profitable. Providing an understanding of the business reasons to incorporate a future orientation into the business strategy, this handbook facilitates an understanding of the need for profound changes in individual behavior, organizational culture, public policy, and business environments to adapt to the accelerated changes and manage business with orientation to the future.

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