«Digital Media Worlds. The New Economy of Media», DE PRATO, Giuditta; SANZ, Esteve; SIMON, Jean Paul (2014)


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Taking a multisector and multimarket approach, Digital Media Worlds provides an in-depth analysis of the major economic developments of the book publishing, broadcasting, film, music, newspaper and video game industries. The contributors offer a detailed overview of the industries and their dynamics within global telecommunications, media and IT, combining vertical views and a synthetic horizontal approach to marshal facts and document their economic relevance. The collection focuses on core economic and management issues (cost structures, value network chain, business models) and analyses new ecosystems and value chains in global markets such as Asia.

«Communication and the Economy», HANAN, Joshua S.; HAYWARD, Mark (eds.) (2014)


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This collection brings together established and emerging scholars in communication studies to examine the relationship between communication and the economy in contemporary society.
Providing context for ongoing debates in the field as well as opening new areas of research, the collection brings a sense of continuity and coherency to an area of study that, until recently, has received little commentary at the level of disciplinary objectives and commitments.
Through concrete case studies and theoretically informed essays, the chapters explore a range of important disciplinary topics – from the rhetoric of economics to the role of language in mediating financial crises.
Written with an eye towards engaging a wide audience, this collection is a welcome addition to any course that focuses on the relationship between culture, the economy and communication including the rhetoric of economics, political economy and communication and cultural studies of the economy.

«Economía de las Nubes», MAYEVSKY, Matt (2014)


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Economía de las Nubes es un libro que presenta una perspectiva multidimensional de la computación en la nube (CC): económica, tecnológica y sociológica. La publicación explica qué y para quién es el CC, al igual que cómo y por qué hay que utilizar las soluciones en la nube. Además de eso, el libro contiene la descripción de la evolución del CC, desde el lejano ayer, por el profundo hoy y hasta el distante mañana. La publicación presenta las más nuevas e únicas visiones, opiniones y datos acerca del tema del mercado de las Nubes. Todo está enriquecido por una elaboración gráfica muy moderna que contiene varias decenas de infografías, tablas, esquemas y dibujos, gracias a los cuales, la publicación se convierte en un registro texto-gráfico de conocimientos y del know-how sobre el CC. Cada una de las partes de ¨Economía de las Nubes¨, dependiendo del aspecto que presenta, tiene otro perfil: de divulgación científica, de un manual o de un vademécum. El lector encontrará aquí un amplio y sintético conocimiento acerca de la computación en la nube y acerca de la influencia que ésta ejerce en el negocio y en nuestra vida cotidiana. El libro está enriquecido con unos contenidos prácticos que describen las aplicaciones posibles de las soluciones en la nube, al igual que los numerosos casos de la utilización del CC y las referencias a los usos reales.

La estructura del libro abarca cuatro capítulos:

I. Tiempo de Formación de las Nubes

II. Arquitectura Multidimensional de las Nubes

III. Física de las Nubes

IV. Guiones Alternativos del Futuro de la Economía de las Nubes.

¨Economía de las Nubes¨ está dedicada a los usuarios empresariales: empresarios, managers, especialistas, trabajadores freelance y a todos los interesados en mejorar su flujo de trabajo empresarial e individual. Los usuarios privados, aparte de unos conocimientos útiles, encontrarán aquí sugerencias e inspiración nubosa que mejora la organización de la vida cotidiana. El libro está escrito con un lenguaje brillante y no técnico que facilita la comprensión de complejos aspectos del CC a todos los interesados en aprovechar la riqueza de la oferta y de las posibilidades del Mundo de las Nubes.

«El manual de las startups. Los fundadores de las 41 mejores startups mundiales revelan sus secretos», KIDDER, David S. (2013)


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¿Cómo transformó Sara Blakely su idea de cortar los pies de los pantis en un negocio que la hizo multimillonaria?, ¿qué hace que un negocio crezca más de lo esperado?, ¿cómo consiguió Chris Anderson hacer de TED una marca globar cuyas conferencias son vistas por millones de personas?, ¿qué decisiones conflictivas has de tomar para dominar tu mercado?, El manual de las startups te la todas las respuestas.

David S. Kidder, autor habitual en las listas de bestsellers de The New York Times y fundador de varias empresas, ha tenido acceso a los emprendendedores más conocidos del momento. En este libro comparte sus experiencias, lecciones, razonamientos y manuales de éxito de más de cuarenta exitosos fundadores de empresas, entre los que se encuentran los creadores de PayPal, LinkedIn, AOL, TED, Flickr, entre otros.

En esta obra nos confían sus historias, su sabiduría, sus experiencias en innovación, su filosofía y sus técnicas de gestión con suma transparencia. Desde las organizaciones no lucrativas a las comerciales, desde el sector tecnológico y financiero al de las flores, los zapatoxs y los pantis, todos los que han fundado atartups de éxito tienen algo en común: cada uno posee su propio "manual de la startup". Simplemente, nunca lo habían mostrado en público hasta ahora.

«Los procesos de “financiarización” en los grupos de comunicación españoles y el caso Prisa-Liberty», GARCÍA SANTAMARIA, José Vicente (coord.) (2012)


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En la literatura económica, el concepto de “financiarización” se ha utilizado en estas últimas décadas para referirse al creciente dominio de los mercados sobre el conjunto de la dinámica económica. El auge del capital financiero se ha visto así reflejado en un creciente poder económico y político de las fuerzas financieras (Dumenil y Levy, 2104), puesto que su poder de acumulación de capital es mucho mayor que el de otros sectores, y sus beneficios son más elevados que los derivados de la producción y comercialización de mercancías (Krippner, 2005 y Orhangazhi, 2007) […]

«The Television Entrepreneurs. Social Change and Public Understanding of Business», BOYLE. Raymon; W. KELLY, Lisa (2012)


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With business seemingly everywhere on television, from the risks of the retail and restaurant trade to pitching for investment or competing to become the next 'apprentice', The Television Entrepreneurs draws upon popular business-oriented shows such as The Apprentice and Dragons' Den to explore the relationship between television and business.

Based on extensive interviews with key industry and business figures and drawing on new empirical research into audience perceptions of business, this book examines our changing relationship with entrepreneurship and the role played by television in shaping our understanding of the world of business. The book identifies the key structural shifts in both the television industry and the wider economy that account for these changing representations, whilst examining the extent to which television's developing interest in business and entrepreneurial issues is simply a response to wider social and economic change in society. Does a more commercial and competitive television marketplace, for instance, mean that the medium itself, through a particular focus on drama, entertainment and performance, now plays a key role in re-defining how society frames its engagements with business, finance, entrepreneurship, risk and wealth creation?

Mapping the narratives of entrepreneurship constructed by television and analysing the context that produces them, The Television Entrepreneurs investigates how the television audience engages with such programmes and the possible impact these may have on public understanding of the nature of business.

«Media Piracy in Emerging Economies – The Consumers Dilemma», VV.AA. (2011)


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Media Piracy in Emerging Economies is the first independent, large-scale study of music, film and software piracy in emerging economies, with a focus on Brazil, India, Russia, South Africa, Mexico and Bolivia.

Based on three years of work by some thirty-five researchers, Media Piracy in Emerging Economies tells two overarching stories: ne tracing the explosive growth of piracy as digital technologies became cheap and ubiquitous around the world, and another following the growth of industry lobbies that have reshaped laws and law enforcement around copyright protection. The report argues that these efforts have largely failed, and that the problem of piracy is better conceived as a failure of affordable access to media in legal markets. […]

«Political economy of media transformation in South Africa», OLORUNNISOLA, Anthony; G. TOMASELLI, Keyan (ed) (2011)


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This volume is the first book-length examination of the political economy of media transformation in South Africa. By locating South Africa within continental and global contexts of changes and with theoretical incisiveness and praxis-oriented understanding, authors depict a media system at the forefront of transition both in terms of shifting representations of race and class and in terms of ownership and readership changes. Chapters explain the idea and emergence of black economic empowerment and its adoption by the media industry as well as the way in which black labor unions took ownership of South Africa’s biggest companies.

Topical issues include the controversial flux of identity, vagaries of regulations, changes to state-owned enterprises and to print, broadcast media, and telecommunications corporations. A unique component of this book that is also hitherto untreated by others is treatment of the pivotal role of leading advertisers both in the way they they challenged racial stereotyping and helped forge changes in media depiction of racial groups. This book is an authoritative reference available to scholars of media, business, sociology, political economy, and African studies who desire more than a linear presentation of issues pertinent to media transformation in South Africa shortly before the end of and after apartheid.

Contents: Political Economy, Representation, and Transformation in South Africa, Anthony A. Olorunnisola, Keyan G. Tomaselli, and Ruth Teer-Tomaselli. A Continental Perspective on the Transformation of South Africa’s Media and Communication Policies, Anthony A. Olorunnisola and George W. Lugalambi. Political Economy of Racial Stereotyping in Advertising, Alexander Robert Holt. Structural Processes of Reform as an Influence on Advertising, Alexander Robert Holt. Identification in Transformation: An Overview of Media Discourses, Herman Wasserman. Transforming State-Owned Enterprises in the Global Age: Lessons from Broadcasting and Telecommunications in South Africa, Ruth Teer-Tomaselli. Political Economy of the Transformation and Globalization of South African Media 19941997, Keyan G. Tomaselli. Economic Analysis of Black Empowerment in the Media Industry 1994-1999. Unpacking Black Economic Empowerment: The Case of New Africa Investments Limited, Iain Evans, Ayesha Mall and Narushka Moodley. The Structure of Content: The Political Economy of Die Burger Western cape, 2004-2005, Gabriël J. Botma. Political Economy of Media Transformation in South Africa and the Next Frontier, Anthony A. Olorunnisola and Keyan G. Tomaselli. About the Authors. Author Index. Subject Index.

«Understanding Media Industries», HAVENS, Timothy; LOTZ, Amanda (2011)


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This is an introduction to the media industries, a topic that sometimes has its own course but is also incorporated into courses on media criticism, media literacy, and even a basic mass media course where the instructor wishes to teach from topical paperbacks as opposed to a big textbook. The book examines the influence of media industry organization and practices on society; at the same time, it offers students pursuing both scholarly and professional careers related to the media industries a comprehensive overview of how the industries work, why they work as they do, and what the broader theoretical and practical implications of the media industries are. Questions such as "why is media industry organization important?", "how do we make sense of media industry changes?" and "what are the key issues facing media industries?" animate the analysis.