«Visibilidad Online», RIERA, Bernat (2019)


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Visibilidad Online ayudará a tu web o negocio a generar más tráfico, nuevos clientes y más ingresos:

Fase 1 – Genera dinero mientras duermes: Ideas para crear negocios online e ingresos pasivos a través de internet.
Fase 2 – Crea una web con WordPress desde cero: Una web completa y profesional desde la compra del dominio hasta la conversión de ventas.
Fase 3 – Posicionamiento SEO: Las mejores técnicas para aparecer en los primeros resultados de Google.
Fase 4 – Publicidad online SEM: Anúnciate tu mismo en Google Adwords, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Display, LinkedIn y Twitter.
Fase 5 – Usabilidad y Experiencia del usuario: Consigue que tus usuarios gasten en tu negocio dándoles mejor experiencia que la competencia.
Fase 6 – Análisis y Medición: Entiende y monitoriza tu tráfico en Google Analytics, Search Console, Adsense y crea informes con Google Data Studio.
Descubre la guía definitiva en 2017 para crear una estrategia de marketing digital 4.0 con un presupuesto cercano a cero!
El mejor libro de marketing para cualquier CEO, Emprendedor o propietario de un negocio tanto online como físico.

Vuélvete competitivo en el espacio en donde tus usuarios empiezan su camino de compra: internet.

«Political economy of journalism: New (and old) logics of production and consumption», MOSCO, Vincent; DOURADO, Jacqueline; LOPES, Denise; TEXEIRA, Juliana; MARQUES, Renan (Eds.) (2019)


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The emergence of new logics of production and consumption related to the use of the Internet, and especially of social networks, was the starting point of the articles gathered here. Understanding the place of media in the various spheres of power of contemporary society is fundamental in order to reflect on the current developments and to propose alternatives for overcoming the threats and challenges now faced by Journalism. In this sense, this third edition of the book series "Political Economy of Journalism" reflects on: the work processes that involve Journalism; the capitalist accumulation logics applied to both mass and niche media; and the ethical and citizen issues that interfere with the journalistic production.

«Materiales televisivos. Apuntes para una economía digital de los contenidos», BERGER-HERTZ, Germán; CHILET, Marcos (2018)


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Si tuviéramos que resumir cuál es la visión que trabajaremos en este estudio sobre los desafíos actuales de la televisión chilena, diríamos que es esbozar un camino que mueva a la industria desde un paradigma que se basa en audiencias y rating, hacia un paradigma que se basa en comunidades y conexiones. Ambos modelos representan visiones distintas sobre el rol de los contenidos en nuestra sociedad altamente mediatizada. La necesidad de cambio de uno a otro obedece a una nueva y emergente relación entre organizaciones, personas y contenidos. Para nosotros, los contenidos no son un telón de fondo en nuestro día a día; por el contrario, son herramientas que todos usamos para construir y negociar nuestras relaciones con el mundo.

«Television, Democracy, and the Mediatization of Chilean Politics», Harry L. Simón Salazar (2017)


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After seventeen years as dictator of Chile, in 1991 Augusto Pinochet ceremoniously handed the presidential sash to the leader of his legal opposition to formalize the peaceful transition to civilian rule in that country. Among the many idiosyncrasies of this extraordinary transfer of political power, the most memorable is the month-long, nationally televised campaign of uncensored political advertising known as the Franja de Propaganda Electoral—the “Official Space for Electoral Propaganda.” Produced by Pinochet’s supporters and the legal opposition, the 1988 Franja campaign set out to encourage voters to participate in a plebiscite that would define the democratic future of Chile. Harry L. Simón Salazar presents a valuable historical account, new empirical research, and a unique theoretical analysis of the televised Franja campaign to examine how it helped the Chilean people reconcile the irreconcilable and stabilize a contradictory relationship between what was politically implausible and what was represented as true and viable in a space of mediated political culture. This contribution to the field of political communication research will be useful for scholars, students, and a general public interested in Latin American history and democracy, as well as researchers of media, communication theory, and cultural studies. Television, Democracy, and the Mediatization of Chilean Politics also helps inform a more critical understanding of contemporary hyper-mediated political movements such as the Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, and the particularly germane phenomenon of Trumpism.

«Plunkett's Entertainment & Media Industry Almanac 2116: Entertainment & Media Industry Market Research, Statistics, Trends & Leading Companies», PLUNKETT, Jack W. (2016)


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The electronic age is bringing sweeping changes to the world of entertainment, media and publishing. This book covers these exciting developments and provides profiles of 410 leading global firms in film, radio, television, cable, digital content, new media and publishing. It contains thousands of contacts for business and industry leaders, industry associations, Internet sites and other resources. You’ll get in-depth profiles of the world's top Entertainment & Media firms: our own unique list of companies that are the leaders in this field, from broadcasters to film production companies, casino operators to theme park companies, publishers of books and magazines to video game designers, and much more. Our corporate profiles include executive contacts, growth plans, financial records, addresses, phone and fax numbers and company descriptions. This innovative book offers unique information, all indexed and cross-indexed for each firm! Our industry analysis section provides an exceptional discussion of business and market trends. The book includes statistical tables covering revenues for several industry sectors. Purchasers will find a form in the book enabling them to register for 1-year, 1-seat online access to tools at Plunkett Research Online, including the ability to view the market research/industry trends section and industry statistics. You have access, at no additional charge, to the very latest data posted to Plunkett Research Online. Online tools enable you to search and view selected companies, and then export selected company contact data, including executive names. You'll find a complete overview, industry analysis and market research report in one superb, value-priced package.

«Manual de gestión para la agencia de publicidad», FERRER LORENZO, Ignasi; MEDINA AGUERREBERE, Pablo (2016)


Economía de la comunicaciónLibros

¿Qué es lo que diferencia a un publicitario de un empresario de la publicidad? ¿Por qué son tan pocas las agencias que logran sobrevivir durante varios años? Este libro responde a estas y otras muchas preguntas y explica la importancia de los conceptos económicos (finanzas, modelos de rentabilidad, etc.) y de management (dirección de proyectos, gestión del talento, etc.) en el buen funcionamiento de una agencia de publicidad. Las agencias de publicidad son empresas que emplean a miles de personas, que están presentes en varios países y que, en muchos casos, cotizan en Bolsa. Estas empresas intentan ser cada vez más eficaces en su funcionamiento. De lo contrario, resulta imposible alcanzar objetivos organizacionales tales como la expansión geográfica de la agencia, la consecución de nuevos clientes, la apertura de nuevas líneas de negocio o la ampliación de capital, entre otros. Esta obra constituye una gran aportación para el sector publicitario, ya que por primera vez se publica en España y en América Latina un libro que analiza con el máximo nivel de profundidad todos los aspectos que determinan la buena salud económica de una agencia de publicidad a través de explicaciones teóricas detalladas y casos prácticos. Estrategia, creatividad, gestión y economía se reconcilian en este libro convirtiendo a sus lectores en verdaderos empresarios de la publicidad.

«Samsung, Media Empire and Family: A power web», KIM, Chunhyo (2016)


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This book analyses media conglomerates owning multiple media holdings under centralized ownership within and across media markets. It argues that Asian capitalists utilize both a market-oriented ideology and family connections to build their media empires, thereby creating cultural conglomerates that exercise corporate censorship over media markets. It focuses on family-controlled media conglomerates in Korea, specifically the international business giant, Samsung, and its related media companies, Cheil Jedang and JoongAng Ilbo, all of which are controlled by the single Lee family. Utilizing the theoretical approach of political economy of communication, the book examines how and why the Lee family exercise corporate censorship over Korean society.

Offering an essential take on Asia’s political economy of communication in order to understand the workings of Asian media empires, this book will appeal to students and scholars of Korean Studies, Korean Business and Mass Communications.

«Everydata», JOHNSON, John H., GLUCK, Mike (2016)


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While everyone is talking about "big data," the truth is that understanding the "little data" (stock reports, newspaper headlines, weather forecasts, etc.) is what will help you make smarter decisions at work, at home, and in every aspect of your life. The average person consumes approximately 31 gigabytes of data every single day, but has no idea how to interpret it correctly. Everydata explains, through the eyes of an expert economist and statistician, how to correctly interpret all of the small bytes of data we consume in a day. Readers will become effective, skeptical consumers of everyday data. Everydata is filled with countless examples of people misinterpreting data — oftentimes with catastrophic results: Millions of women avoid caffeine during pregnancy because they interpret correlation as causation The initial launch of HealthCare.gov failed in part because key decision-makers couldn't observe all of the data A baby food company was investigated by the Federal Trade Commission for cherry picking data Attorneys faced a $1 billion jury verdict because of outlier data The Space Shuttle Challenger exploded because the engineers were dealing with a limited sample set Hedge fund companies claim they can make smarter predictions — but the market data says otherwise Each chapter of Everydata highlights one commonly misunderstood data concept, using both real-world and hypothetical examples from a wide range of topics, including business, politics, advertising, law, engineering, retail, parenting, and more. Readers will get the answer to the question — "Now what?" — along with concrete ways they can use this information to immediately start making smarter decisions, today and every day.