

BrasilComunicaciónRevistas Científicas


The Inter-American Journal of Media Communicationacts as a mediation field of texts that approach communication for their instances from production to consumption. The communication phenomenon is considered a transforming agent of the social and cultural ambiences, regulating the configuration of media devices and conditioning the discursive formation. The journal’s field of activity includes articles thatshow these concerns and seek to extend the analyses in their empirical objects, as well asto apply and expand the theoretical discussions that may show new perspectives on media and current social transformations. Its focus is guided by research aspects of contemporary identities and of strategic communication, both orbiting the media space. Animus is electronically published in the months of July and December. It receives articles, reviews and interviews of Brazilian and foreign authors. The articles published in the journal must be original, i.e., they must not have been previously published in a journal or a book, however, their divulgation at annals of scientific eventsdoes not exhaust the character of originality, for it is a format recognized as paper in progress.

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