Review of Communication


ComunicaciónRevistas CientíficasTeorías de la comunicación

Reino Unido

The Review of Communication is a peer-reviewed publication of the National Communication Association. The Review of Communication publishes original scholarship that advances the discipline and practice of communication through the study of major themes that cross disciplinary subfields. Following the intellectually and academically cosmopolitan tradition of the journal, we invite substantive essays that not only review controversies and trajectories in communication scholarship, but also contribute to the major issues that span our discipline. Such macro-interpretive studies may be historical, theoretical, philosophical, qualitative, quantitative, rhetorical, or syncretic. The Review of Communication welcomes essays that build theory, advance our understanding of a method, extend or challenge a current paradigm, bridge a divide, clarify a term or concept, or demonstrate a pragmatic function.

To accomplish this mission, beginning with Vol. 20, Review of Communication will publish four themed issues a year. Future submissions to the journal should either respond to a call for articles for one of the upcoming themed issues, or should consist of proposals to guest edit an issue with a detailed rationale for the issue, a 20–25 item bibliography of relevant works on the theme, and a draft of a call for papers inviting authors to address the proposed theme.

For more details about how to submit your research to Review of Communication , please review our Instructions for Authors.

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