Setting the Gender Agenda for Communication Policy: New proposals from the Global Alliance on Media and Gender, UNESCO (2019)


Estructura y políticas de la comunicaciónLibros

Editorial: UNESCO
Año publicación: 2019

+ info: UNESCO

Published by UNESCO in collaboration with IAMCR and the Global Alliance for Media and Gender, «Setting the Gender Agenda for Communication Policy: New proposals from the Global Alliance on Media and Gender» was launched at the recent IAMCR conference in Madrid. IAMCR supported the publication with a grant to its Task Force on the Global Alliance for Media and Gender and it was edited by IAMCR Vice president, Aimée Vega, and Sarah Macharia.

The position papers in this publication make the case for the centrality of communication in broader struggles for gender equality and women’s human rights, as well as for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Issues such as gender equality in media decision making positions, regulatory policy, gender and freedom of expression and the rights of women media workers are assessed along with authors’ options for the way forward.

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