#callfor Deprescribing and Polypharmacy Communication (Health Literacy and Communication Open) 

Fin: 31/10/2024


Deprescribing is the process of discontinuing a medication where the risks of harm outweigh the benefits. Communication and health literacy are essential in deprescribing as they facilitate informed decision-making and patient engagement.

Health Literacy and Communication Open is calling for submissions to our Article Collection on Deprescribing and Polypharmacy Communication. We are interested in attracting a wide range of submissions relating to polypharmacy and deprescribing communication to address the current gaps and challenges in research and implementation in clinical practice.

Topics may include (but are not limited to):

  • Deprescribing or polypharmacy interventions
  • Decision-making regarding deprescribing or polypharmacy
  • Assessing communication and health literacy in deprescribing research
  • Patient and healthcare provider perspectives on communication and deprescribing
  • Technology, digital health, and deprescribing
  • Healthcare provider training in communication skills
  • Implementation research