«Vectorism. Vector Graphics Today», VV.AA. (2011)


Expresiones audiovisualesLibros

It is difficult to argue that we as a society are obsessed with technology. Many of our relationships, whether with art, literature or each other are now maintained primarily through one digital interface or another.

Tantalizing new platforms are continuously appearing in the marketplace offering more features than their predecessors. The usual outcome is the forced obsolescence of these previous systems. And yet in art and design, there has been a shift in recent years towards the fruits of more “lo-fi” processes, a distinct need for a personal component and the expressiveness that normally only a human hand can evoke.

Vector graphics have weathered this current backlash taking pride of place alongside the fruits of more handmade techniques. The sources of inspiration often remain the same, whether a nod to popular culture or an homage to nostalgia. The execution is precise and original, with a unique capacity for pattern and color and a great versatility of scale.

Vectorism examines the state of contemporary vector graphics and its continuing relevance in the design world.

«One Year in Transmedia. 2nd. Edition», STAFFANS, Simon (2011)


Comunicación y culturaLibros

I've been in media for more years than I would ideally like to remember. Since the
age of 13 I’ve been writing, producing, reporting and hosting everything from
newspaper articles to tv reports to radio shows. In 2105 I left for the life of a format
The past couple of years might have been the most exciting in my professional
life. I love doing radio and writing articles and producing television, but utilizing the
powers of a connected multiplatform media landscape, drawing on transmedia
storytelling methods, learning from a lot of great people all around the world and
taking part of so many brilliant projects… it’s a whole different and very enjoyable
To come to grips with my thoughs and jot them down for further reference, I
started blogging about my development work, my thoughts on transmedia, some of
the talks I’d listened to and ideas that had been put to me. I also thought that if
someone else could find something of essence in my writing or find something in my
experiences that would help them in their work, it would be a truly beautiful thing. So,
without (hopefully) breaching any NDAs, I’ve written some 70-odd posts on these
subjects to date. […]

«A TV dos Jornalistas», LOPES, Felisbela (org.) (2011)



A TV é, sobretudo, espectáculo. Já o sabemos. Mas a TV informativa precisa de ser mais do que o país e o mundo em cena. Precisa de anunciar, mas também explicar o que se passa. Precisa de montar palcos com interlocutores diversificados que acrescentem valor àquilo que é debatido nos estúdios de informação. Precisa de instalar portas de entrada abertas à participação de todos aqueles que podem integrar de forma significativa o processo de produção de noticiabilidade.

«Migration and New Media. Transnational Families and Polymedia», MADIANOU, Mirca; MILLER, Daniel (2011)


Comunicación y culturaLibros

How do parents and children care for each other when they are separated because of migration? The way in which transnational families maintain long-distance relationships has been revolutionised by the emergence of new media such as email, instant messaging, social networking sites, webcam and texting. A migrant mother can now call and text her left-behind children several times a day, peruse social networking sites and leave the webcam for 12 hours achieving a sense of co-presence.

Drawing on a long-term ethnographic study of prolonged separation between migrant mothers and their children who remain in the Philippines, this book develops groundbreaking theory for understanding both new media and the nature of mediated relationships. It brings together the perspectives of both the mothers and children and shows how the very nature of family relationships is changing. New media, understood as an emerging environment of polymedia, have become integral to the way family relationships are enacted and experienced. The theory of polymedia extends beyond the poignant case study and is developed as a major contribution for understanding the interconnections between digital media and interpersonal relationships.

«Race After the Internet», NAKAMURA, Lisa; CHOW-WHITE, Peter (2011)


LibrosTecnologías de la comunicación

In Race After the Internet, Lisa Nakamura and Peter Chow-White bring together a collection of interdisciplinary, forward-looking essays exploring the complex role that digital media technologies play in shaping our ideas about race. Contributors interrogate changing ideas of race within the context of an increasingly digitally mediatized cultural and informational landscape. Using social scientific, rhetorical, textual, and ethnographic approaches, these essays show how new and old styles of race as code, interaction, and image are played out within digital networks of power and privilege.

Race After the Internet includes essays on the shifting terrain of racial identity and its connections to social media technologies like Facebook and MySpace, popular online games like World of Warcraft, YouTube and viral video, WiFi infrastructure, the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) program, genetic ancestry testing, and DNA databases in health and law enforcement. Contributors also investigate the ways in which racial profiling and a culture of racialized surveillance arise from the confluence of digital data and rapid developments in biotechnology. This collection aims to broaden the definition of the "digital divide" in order to convey a more nuanced understanding of access, usage, meaning, participation, and production of digital media technology in light of racial inequality.

Contributors: danah boyd, Peter Chow-White, Wendy Chun, Sasha Costanza-Chock, Troy Duster, Anna Everett, Rayvon Fouché, Alexander Galloway, Oscar Gandy, Eszter Hargittai, Jeong Won Hwang, Curtis Marez, Tara McPherson, Alondra Nelson, Christian Sandvig, Ernest Wilson

«Linguagem e Comunicação», VIEIRA SANTOS, Joana (2011)


Comunicación y culturaLibros

O livro aborda temas básicos das duas áreas do saber envolvidas (respetivamente, Linguística e Ciências da Comunicação), definidos e relacionados entre si e ilustrados com exemplos autênticos. Não sendo propriamente um manual, apresenta os mecanismos da comunicação (verbal, para-verbal e não verbal) de um ponto de vista prático, isto é, para aplicação à vida quotidiana (pessoal, escolar, profissional). Na sequência de um primeiro capítulo que introduz os conceitos básicos, os capítulos seguintes focalizam-se nos três tipos básicos de comunicação: diádica, em grupo restrito e pública. Todos os temas se apoiam na bibliografia considerada representativa, sendo ilustrados com exemplos autênticos.

«Online Gaming in Context. The social and cultural significance of online games», CRAWFORD, Garry; K. GOSLING, Victoria; LIGHT, Ben (2011)


LibrosTecnologías de la comunicación

There is little question of the social, cultural and economic importance of video games in the world today, with gaming now rivalling the movie and music sectors as a major leisure industry and pastime. The significance of video games within our everyday lives has certainly been increased and shaped by new technologies and gaming patterns, including the rise of home-based games consoles, advances in mobile telephone technology, the rise in more 'sociable' forms of gaming, and of course the advent of the Internet.

This book explores the opportunities, challenges and patterns of gameplay and sociality afforded by the Internet and online gaming. Bringing together a series of original essays from both leading and emerging academics in the field of game studies, many of which employ new empirical work and innovative theoretical approaches to gaming, this book considers key issues crucial to our understanding of online gaming and associated social relations, including: patterns of play, legal and copyright issues, player production, identity construction, gamer communities, communication, patterns of social exclusion and inclusion around religion, gender and disability, and future directions in online gaming.

«La televisión etiquetada», ÁLVAREZ MONZONCILLO, José María (2011)


LibrosSociedad de la información

Este libro aborda la influencia de Internet en la televisión. Comienzan a emerger nuevas formas de televisión que implican, la colaboración de los usuarios. La televisión puede convertirse en una maraña de programas que viajan por la red de acuerdo a las etiquetas de unos usuarios que ayudan a otros a encontrar lo que quieren. La web 2.1 ha derribado el concepto de "mi televisión", propio de la "era.com", para sustituirlo por el de "nuestra televisión". Analiza los factores que están influyendo en ese cambio. Las implicaciones sociales y económicas de esa mutación conforman el hilo discursivo de este libro, que solo pretende añadir un punto de vista crítico sobre las "nuevas televisiones" con la misión de aportar argumentos para el debate sobre cómo será la televisión del futuro.

«El potlatch digital. Wikipedia y el triunfo del procomún y el conocimiento compartido», ORTEGA, Felipe; RODRÍGUEZ, Joaquín (2011)


LibrosTecnologías de la comunicación

En el año 1968, Garret Hardin publicó en la revis­ta «Science» un artículo determinante, «The Trage­dy of the Commons», en el que reflexionaba sobre la dificultad de la gestión de los bienes y los recursos comunes y sobre el peligro al que estaba expuesta su subsistencia. La Premio Nobel de Economía Elinor Ostrom pasaría la mayor parte de su vida profesional investigando, precisamente, sobre los mecanismos de la acción colectiva y la gestión solidaria del proco­mún, intentando inferir de las buenas prácticas al­gunas características estructurales comunes. Con la in­vención de Internet y la digitalización del conoci­miento, resurge con vigor en versión digital el pro­blema analógico precedente: ¿cómo pueden surgir y autogestionarse comunidades online cuyo propósito es la generación de conocimiento compartido? Es decir, ¿cómo puede y debe gestionarse el procomún digital, el «digital commons»? Wikipedia ofrece un ejem­plo prototípico y floreciente de la construcción de una comunidad que consensúa sus políticas, esta­blece sus mecanismos internos de reconocimiento y orga­niza sus dispositivos de control y vigilancia, todo sin que circule efectivo de ninguna clase. El caso del «potlatch» canadiense nos sirve para comprender cómo en determinados contextos y circunstancias es nece­sario desprenderse del capital que se posee para que la comunidad lo devuelva y lo reintegre en forma de reconocimiento y renombre; cómo en determinados contextos culturales, la especie de capital que circula no es monetaria, sino simbólica, en forma de repu­tación y popularidad, y la lógica de su acumulación exige ser desinteresado para generar otra forma de interés. Así funcionan algunos de los casos más co­nocidos de Internet y así se ha convertido la Wikipe­dia en un caso del triunfo de la gestión del procomún y el conocimiento compartido.

«Yo, mi, me, conmigo. El triunfo de la Generation Me en los discursos comunicacionales», TORRADO MORALES, Susana; RÓDENAS CANTARERO, Gabri; FERRERAS RODRÍGUEZ, José Gabriel (coord) (2011)


Comunicación y culturaLibros

Yo, mi, me conmigo. El triunfo de la Generation Me en los discursos comunicacionales reúne diversos estudios que giran en torno a la llamada Teoría del «yo».
El poder socializador de los medios de comunicación y su impacto en nuestra sociedad han derivado en unos comportamientos que parecieran —frente al anterior estatus de consumidor pasivo— basados en una concepción del:
—«yo» como protagonista, y del
—«yo» como generador de contenidos.

Esta mutación de roles es más evidente gracias a los medios de comunicación alternativos asociados a internet: blogs, videoblogs, wikis y redes como facebook o twiter, favorecen que cada vez haya más «actores» en el proceso de comunicación social que quieran hacer oír su voz.
Los diversos itinerarios aquí reunidos resultan tan extravagantes como esclarecedores: de El proyecto de la bruja de Blair a Callejeros o Gran hermano; de Facebook o Twitter a la pantalla global encerrada en un teléfono móvil; de la individualidad extrema a una nueva colectividad que amplifica el poder de mi estornudo; del nosotros al me.
Un recorrido apasionante por la génesis de una nueva sociedad, tan compleja como estimulante.