«Questões Atuais em Educação: Sustentabilidade e Redes Sociais», INFANTINI DA ROSA ALMEIDA, Luciane (2013)


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Este livro é uma contribuição original que reúne ensaios teóricos premiados, em nível nacional, sobre dois importantes temas atuais no campo da educação: sustentabilidade e redes sociais. As reflexões sobre a sustentabilidade, em um contexto marcado pela degradação constante do ecossitema, são imprescindíveis ao universo educativo, por envolver diretamente a formação humana. De igual relevância são reflexões sobre as relações sociais provenientes da criação e proliferação das comunidades virtuais que, inevitavelmente, portam novas formas de conhecer e atuar no mundo. A proposta do livro é lançar um olhar sobre estas temáticas, com intuito de potencializar campos de conhecimento e atores sociais em prol da construção de uma realidade mais humana e ética.

«A History of the Screenplay», PRICE, Steven (2013)


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Today's Hollywood screenplays have a uniform appearance, but it has not always been this way. The earliest film writing used theatrical plays and prose fiction as models, and the silent cinemas of Germany, Russia and the United States all developed their own traditions, culminating in the unique 'screen poetry' of Carl Mayer. Hollywood studios adapted to writing for sound in different ways, while European author-directors such as Ingmar Bergman made film writing as personal a form of expression as poetry. Later, American writers as diverse as William Goldman, David Mamet and Charlie Kaufman showed that the screen writer could be as important and distinctive a figure as any director, while today's digital technology is transforming screenwriting once again. Steven Price traces the history of the screenplay, illustrating its transformations with detailed discussion of a wide range of examples from the beginnings of cinema to the present day.

«Social movements and their technologies. Wiring social change», MILAN, Stefania (2013)


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Social Movements and Their Technologies. Wiring Social Change explores the interplay between social movements and their “liberated technologies”. It analyzes the rise of low-power radio stations and radical internet projects (“emancipatory communication practices”) as a political subject, focusing on the sociological and cultural processes at play. It provides an overview of the relationship between social movements and technology and investigates what is behind the communication infrastructure that made possible the main protest events of the past 15 years. In doing so, Stefania Milan illustrates how contemporary social movements organize in order to create autonomous alternatives to communication systems and networks and how they contribute to change the way people communicate in daily life, as well as try to change communication policy from the grassroots.

«Hacia una Internet libre de censura: propuestas para América Latina», BERTONI, Eduardo (comp.) (2012)


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Este proyecto del Centro de Estudios en Libertad de Expresión y Acceso a la Información, dirigido por Eduardo Bertoni en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Palermo, busca ser una una guía que ayude a académicos, profesionales y encargados de la formulación de políticas públicas a pensar la cuestión de la libertad en la internet y la amenaza de la censura.

"El debate global sobre la regulación en Internet ha evolucionado desde aquella pregunta inicial acerca de si es necesaria y deseable alguna regulación en la red. Hoy en día, las preguntas – cuyas respuestas dependen del contexto y el lugar en que sean hechas-, tienen que ver con qué actividades requieren regulación, qué tipo de regulación es preferible y efectiva y con qué fines.

"En los últimos años, los países de América Latina han comenzado a legislar para dar algunas respuestas a estas preguntas. Los artículos de esta publicación abordan cuatro temas claves -responsabilidad de intermediarios, manejo de datos privados, filtrado de contenido y situaciones sobre jurisdicción aplicable-, no con la idea de arribar a soluciones últimas, sino con la intención de plantear algunas de las cuestiones legales involucradas en estos temas y pensar el efecto que pueden tener estas políticas sobre la libertad de expresión".

«Social Software and the Evolution of User Expertise: Future Trends in Knowledge Creation and Dissemination», TAKŠEVA, Tatjana (2012)


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The new generation of internet technologies and web applications is seeing a growth in social software and networking, as well as other communications tools. This infrastructure of social interaction and collaboration has provided an increase in more dynamic user participation and expertise in knowledge of contents and facts traditionally only held by experts.

Social Software and the Evolution of User Expertise: Future Trends in Knowledge Creation and Dissemination examines the vital role that social software applications play in regards to the cultural definitions of experts and challenges the reader to consider how recent changes in this area influence how we create and distribute knowledge. This collection brings together scholars and practitioners from various disciplines and professions to project a new kind of thinking about the understanding of the major changes in many professions.

«Network Science», BARABÁSI, Albert-László (2012)


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This book aims to help teach network science to an interdisciplinary audience. Many of the choices I made in presenting the material were guided by the desire to offer an enjoyable, yet systematic introduction to the field. I kept in mind that those entering the field are just as interested in learning about the genesis of the concepts network science introduced, as the tools they can use to study real networks and interpret the obtained results.

«Digital Labor. The Internet as Playground and Factory», SCHOLZ, Trebor (2012)


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Digital Labor asks whether life on the internet is mostly work, or play. We tweet, we tag photos, we link, we review books, we comment on blogs, we remix media, and we upload video to create much of the content that makes up the web. And large corporations profit on our online activity by tracking our interests, affiliations, and habits—and then collecting and selling the data. What is the nature of this interactive ‘labor’ and the new forms of digital sociality that it brings into being?

The international, interdisciplinary contributors to Digital Labor suggest that there is no longer a clear divide between ‘the personal’ and ‘work,’ as every aspect of life drives the digital economy: sexual desire, boredom, friendship—and all become fodder for speculative profit. They argue that we are living in a total labor society and the way in which we are commoditized, racialized, and engendered is profoundly and disturbingly normalized by the dominant discourse of digital culture.

Digital Labor poses a series of questions about our digital present:

How is the global crisis of capitalism linked to the hidden labor of the digital economy?
How do we address that most online interaction, whether work or play, for profit or not, is taking place on corporate platforms?
How can we acknowledge moments of exploitation while not eradicating optimism, inspiration, and the many instances of individual financial and political empowerment?
In response to these questions, this collection offers new definitions of digital labor that address and challenge the complex, hybrid realities of the digital economy.

«Social Media is Bullshit», MENDELSON, B. J. (2012)


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A provocative look at social media that dispels the hype and tells you all you need to know about using the Web to expand your business

If you listen to the pundits, Internet gurus, marketing consultants, and even the mainstream media, you could think social media was the second coming. When it comes to business, they declare that it’s revolutionizing advertising, PR, customer relations—everything. And they all agree: it is here to stay.

In this lively, insightful guide, journalist and social critic B.J. Mendelson skillfully debunks the myths of social media. He illustrates how the notion of “social media” first came to prominence, why it has become such a powerful presence in the marketing field, and who stands to benefit each time it’s touted in the press. He shows you why all the Facebook friends and Twitter followers in the world mean nothing to you and your business without old-fashioned, real-world connections. He examines popular tales of social media “success,” and reveals some unsettling truths behind the surface. And he tells you how to best harness the potential of the Internet—without spending a fortune in the process.

Social media is bullshit. This book gives the knowledge and tools you really need to connect with customers and grow your brand.

«Xarxes socials. Fonaments i Aplicacions», CANALS, Agustí; DÍAZ-GUILERA, Albert; MOLINA, José Luis; PATRACA, Beatriz (2012)


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Les xarxes socials com a estructures de relació entre persones han existit sempre, però darrerament interessants descobriments sobre les seves propietats i la seva popularitat als mitjans socials en línia, n'han incrementat l'interès. Aquest volum constitueix una introducció interdisciplinària, senzilla però rigorosa, al fenomen de les xarxes socials. El contingut es divideix en tres parts. En una primera part, es presenten els fonaments generals del que ja sovint s'anomena la "ciència de les xarxes" i que s'ha anat desenvolupant amb les aportacions de diverses disciplines des de mitjans del segle passat fins a l'actualitat. La segona part es dedica a repassar les característiques específiques de les xarxes socials, és a dir, d’aquelles xarxes en les quals els nodes són persones o grups de persones i els lligams relacions socials. Finalment, la tercera part aprofundeix en un dels aspectes més interessants de les xarxes socials: la seva funció clau en els fenòmens de transmissió d'informació i creació i difusió de coneixement.

«Working with Multimodality. Rethinking Literacy in a Digital Age», ROWSELL, Jennifer (2012)


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In today’s digital world, we have multiple modes of meaning-making: sounds, images, hypertexts. Yet, within literacy education, even ‘new’ literacies, we know relatively little about how to work with and produce modally complex texts.

In Working with Multimodality, Jennifer Rowsell focuses on eight modes: words, images, sounds, movement, animation, hypertext, design and modal learning. Throughout the book each mode is illustrated by cases studies based on the author’s interviews with thirty people, who have extensive experience working with a mode in their field. From a song writer to a well known ballet dancer, these people all discuss what it means to do multimodality well.

This accessible textbook brings the multiple modes together into an integrated theory of multimodality. Step-by-step, beginning with theory then exploring modes and how to work with them, before concluding with how to apply this in an investigation, each stage of working with multimodality is covered.

Working with Multimodality will help students and scholars to:

• Think about specific modes and how they function

• Consider the implications for multimodal meaning-making

• Become familiar with conventions and folk knowledge about given modes

• Apply this same knowledge to their own production of media texts in classrooms

Assuming no prior knowledge about multimodality and its properties, Working with Multimodality is designed to appeal to advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in how learning and innovation is different in a digital and media age and is an essential textbook for courses in literacy, new media and multimodality within applied linguistics , education and communication studies.