«+ Narrativa(s): intermediaciones novela, cine, cómic y videojuego en el ámbito hispánico», GIL GONZÁLEZ, Antonio J. (2012)


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+Narrativa(s) se adentra en un territorio casi inexplorado, el de la intermedialidad, curiosamente mediante una nueva y extendida mirada filológica y crítica que aspira a dar cuenta de la nueva cultura audiovisual y sus repertorios intermediales de forma conjunta. Preocuparse por la integridad y la legibilidad para el estudio futuro de sus diferentes soportes materiales y tecnológicos supone esclarecer las relaciones, dependencias y trasvases recíprocos de un vasto sistema de adaptaciones (ilustraciones, reescrituras, transficciones) entre la novela, el cine, la televisión, el cómic y videojuego. El análisis se ejemplifica por medio de casos prácticos, cuya metodología y modelo tipológico se deriva y después se ensaya en un ciclo adaptativo de más de cincuenta obras, formado a partir de las series literaria de Bourne y la de cómics de XIII. La novedosa propuesta de A. J. Gil González permitirá comprobar cómo a partir de esas fuentes se ha establecido una fecunda y compleja tradición textual, que incluye películas o series de televisión, videojuegos y, de regreso al origen, nuevas novelas y cómics derivados. El ensayo explorará el alcance de estas intermediaciones, con especial atención al grado de su desarrollo en el ámbito hispánico en sendos capítulos centrados en la paulatina pérdida de centralidad de la literatura como fuente y la inversión del flujo de adaptaciones de otros medios a la literatura en forma de novelizaciones; la plena consolidación del cómic o el surgimiento del videojuego como nuevo medio cultural y narrativo del s. XXI, ambos ya plenamente integrados en este productivo sistema intermedial. La publicación de esta obra, tanto en formato papel como electrónico, se complemente a su vez con una plataforma web, con contenidos actualizados +Narrativa(s)PLUS (http://metamorfosis14.eusal.es). Las claves de acceso se facilitan en el ejemplar impreso o electrónico que se adquiera.

«Normative Experience in Internet Politics», MASSI-FOLLÉA, Françoise; CÉCILE, Méadel; MONNOYER-SMITH, Laurence (2012)


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The ways in which the Internet is managed and controlled–often labeled as Internet Governance– are usually considered as standing on four main pillars: Technology, Market Laws, State Regulation and Uses. Nevertheless, its specific features, the consequences of the plurality of norms it involves and of the decision-making processes it entails are rarely addressed in a comprehensive analysis.
This book explores the Internet’s functioning both as a practical-intellectual experience and a political challenge. By means of several case studies, it proposes a substantial and reflexive treatment of multileveled, formal or informal Internet Politics.The book’s overall endeavor is to outline an understanding ofwhat is –or may be– a “digital common good”.
The authors are members of a European academic team gathered by the Vox Internet research program’s meetings. They adopt a multi-disciplinary approach, embedding technological innovation in the fi eld of social sciences (communication studies, sociology, law, political science and philosophy).

«Key Concepts in Media and Communications», JONES, Paul; HOLMES, David (2012)


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This book covers the key concepts central to understanding recent developments in media and communications studies. Its index also provides further points of entry. Wide-ranging in scope and accessible in style it sets out a useful, clear map of the important theories, methods and debates.

The entries critically explore the limits of a key concept as much as the traditions that define it. They include clear definitions, are introduced within the wider context of the field and each one:

• is fully cross-referenced

• is appropriately illustrated by the use of examples, tables and diagrams

• provides a guide to further reading

This book is an essential resource for students in media and communications and for those studying sociology, cultural sociology, cultural studies and sociology of media.

«The Digital Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy. Information Technology and Political Islam», HOWARD, Philip N. (2012)


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Around the developing world, political leaders face a dilemma: the very information and communication technologies that boost economic fortunes also undermine power structures. Globally, one in ten internet users is a Muslim living in a populous Muslim community. In these countries, young people are developing political identities online, and digital technologies are helping civil society build systems of political communication independent of the state and beyond easy manipulation by cultural or religious elites.

With unique data on patterns of media ownership and technology use, The Digital Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy demonstrates how, since the mid1990s, information technologies have had a role in political transformation. Democratic revolutions are not caused by new information technologies. But in the Muslim world, democratization is no longer possible without them.

«Facebook es el mensaje. Oralidad, escritura y después», LÓPEZ, Guadalupe; CUIFFOLI, Clara (2012)


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"Facebook es el mensaje" es la metáfora elegida por las autoras para interpelar a Facebook como un "medium" e indagar en la especificidad de este nuevo espacio de conversación. El libro se interroga acerca de los usos y las capacidades expresivas que tienen lugar en la red. ¿Son realmente “nuevas”, o es posible identificar en ellas rasgos característicos de las culturas orales previas a la Era Gutenberg? ¿Son auténticamente viejas, pero al ser tocadas por la varita mágica de las tecnologías de la instantaneidad y masificación, renuevan viejos ritos y mitos? En definitiva, ¿qué nos puede decir Facebook sobre las nuevas formas de estar y participar en Internet? ¿Es síntoma de una transformación cultural más amplia?, ¿amplifica meramente promesas que nunca se cumplen con cada nuevo bautismo tecnocultural? ¿O ambas cosas a la vez y muchas más aún?

Más allá de las inferencias conocidas, lejos de las simplificaciones cifradas sobre mercados y audiencias, el libro intenta dar respuesta a algunos de estos interrogantes desde una mirada compleja y enriquecedora, acerca de las prácticas que tienen lugar en Facebook, y echa luces no tanto sobre qué hace Facebook con nosotros, sino acerca de qué hacemos (y podemos hacer) nosotros con Facebook.

Clara Ciuffoli y Guadalupe López son licenciadas en Ciencias de la Comunicación y profesoras de la cátedra de Procesamiento de Datos de Comunicación de la UBA. Son coautoras de uno de los artículos que componen El Proyecto Facebook y la posuniversidad.

Clara Ciuffoli se dedica al diseño y gestión de proyectos en medios digitales. Fue profesora invitada en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UNAM. Es Supervisora de Comunicación en el Área de Experiencia del Usuario de MercadoLibre.

Guadalupe López se dedica al diseño e implementación de proyectos multimedia e interactivos, y al desarrollo de estrategias y entrenamiento en medios digitales. Es profesora en el Máster en Periodismo La Nación/UTDT. Trabaja en el Área de Desarrollo Multimedia e Interactivo del diario La Nación.

«Cloud Time: The Inception of the Future», COLEY, Rob; LOCKWOOD, Dean (2012)


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The Cloud, hailed as a new digital commons, a utopia of collaborative expression and constant connection, actually constitutes a strategy of vitalist post-hegemonic power, which moves to dominate immanently and intensively, organizing our affective political involvements, instituting new modes of enclosure, and, crucially, colonizing the future through a new temporality of control. The virtual is often claimed as a realm of invention through which capitalism might be cracked, but it is precisely here that power now thrives. Cloud time, in service of security and profit, assumes all is knowable. We bear witness to the collapse of both past and future virtuals into a present dedicated to the exploitation of the spectres of both.

«Frames and Connections in the Governance of Global Communications. A Network Study of the Internet Governance Forum», PAVAN, Elena (2012)


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The governance of global communications is consolidating as a field where innovative political practices of multi-actor collaboration are being experimented. Within this broad political landscape, the Internet governance domain is emerging as one of the most relevant areas where institutional and non-institutional actors are converging in order to reform collectively governance mechanisms that will determine the future developments of the Internet technology. This book adopts a network approach to study the progressive and collective construction of a new discourse on Internet governance fostered by the realization of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum, a new “space for multi-stakeholder policy-dialogue” (WSIS Tunis Agenda 2105, art. 72). Looking both at how semantic and social connections are created in the online and the offline discursive spaces, this book seeks to provide insights on how principles of democratic collaboration between institutional and non-institutional actors are translated into actual political dynamics; on how the global political agenda on the governance of the Internet comes to be shaped thanks to the provision of heterogeneous and sometimes opposite thematic inputs; and, finally, on how the roles of States, intergovernmental bodies, civil society entities in participatory supra-national politics are progressively being (re)defined. Starting form the Internet governance case study, this books aims at providing an alternative approach to the study of supra-national politics as well as of global communication governance processes: one that considers simultaneously contents and processes of political dynamics and examines how immaterial resources, such as information and communication, become a new field for multi-actor politics experiments, conflicts and network construction.

«Friends, Followers and the Future», O'CONNOR, Rory (2012)


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Friends, Followers and the Future
How Social Media are Changing Politics, Threatening Big Brands, and Killing Traditional Media
Rory O'Connor

There's a revolution going on, as ever-accelerating developments in digital information technologies change nearly every aspect of how we live, work, play, do business, and engage in politics. Share and share alike—the numbers say it all as billions of people worldwide flock to online media and use social networks to discover and spread news and information.

In the process, ever-growing networks of "ordinary people" are using these powerful new tools to trim the influence long held by Big Business, Big Government, and Big Media. No longer just passive recipients, participants in social networks now regularly make and break news while organizing civic and political actions that bypass censors, outpace traditional media, attract massive audiences, and influence the rise and fall of brands, industries, politicians, and even governments.

In this insider's look at how social media are transforming our world, Rory O'Connor explains the trends and explores what tech visionaries, media makers, political advisers, and businesspeople are saying about the meteoric rise of the various social networks of friends and followers, and what they bode for our future.

"Rory O'Connor is one of the smartest media guys around. He knows who's spinning, who's pandering, and who's putting money in his own pocket at the expense of logic, reason, and the public good."—Michael Wolff, Vanity Fair media critic

Praise for Rory O'Connor's Friends, Followers and the Future:

"This is a timely book about a vital subject: How do we get information and is it reliable? With a 'cold eye,' author Rory O'Connor shows how traditional journalism cheapened its value by sabotaging its trust, and how the digital revolution wonderfully democratizes information yet often removes the journalistic curator, creating more noise, more ME and less WE news. If you want to understand the future of news, its opportunities and its pitfalls, read this book." — Ken Auletta, author and New Yorker media writer

"Anyone who cares about the impact of the digital information revolution on democracy and culture can't afford to miss FRIENDS, FOLLOWERS AND THE FUTURE — a story that moves as swiftly as the dizzying pace of change itself. Rory O'Connor combines journalistic integrity with a passionate belief in the power of ordinary people to change the world. Depending on your stake in the outcome, you will find this book inspiring, scary, or perhaps a bit of both." — Andrew Heyward, Former President of CBS News

"This book is a comprehensive, up-to-date, and fair-minded survey of how social media are conveying — and perhaps transforming — what we want to know." — Howard Gardner, Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education and author, most recently, of Truth, Beauty and Goodness Reframed

"With laser-like accuracy Rory O'Connor spotlights the key challenges and opportunities in the world of news and information, where technology has upended the old rules of how media is created and consumed. O'Connor's wise, savvy Friends, Followers and the Future is an essential examination of how social media is transforming the lives of individuals and society at large. Read it and share it." — J. Max Robins, Vice President/Executive Director, The Paley Center for Media

"Before Rory O'Connor writes, he researches, ask questions, and asks them again before calling the the insiders who are the targets of his inquiry. He is persistent, even relentless, as a hard-charging reporter, which is why his blogs, columns and this new book Friends, Followers and the Future: How Social Media are Changing Politics, Threatening Big Brands, And Killing Traditional Media (City Lights, 2112) leaves you questioning your own assumptions and often superficial take on the issue at hand. Personally, he is a refugee from old media and as a multi-media man (films, books, blogs, websites, etc) , an early adopter to the new. But he didn't stop there: he is a practitioner who wants to know where all this is headed and how the digital innovators and entrepreneurs think about what they do. This is a book in the know with ideas that we will all need to know as we navigate our personal and collective futures." — Danny Schechter, News Dissector.com

«Las políticas de los internautas. Nuevas formas de participación», CARLÓN, Mario; FAUSTO-NETO, Antonio (2012)


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"… el Interpretante no puede ser otra cosa que político. En la medida en que el dispositivo de la Red permite a cualquier usuario producir contenidos y teniendo en cuenta además que, por primera vez, el usuario tiene el control del 'switch' entre lo privado y lo público, podemos empezar a hacernos una idea de la complejidad y la profundidad de los cambios en curso. Los procesos de la circulación son el nuevo gran campo de batalla, y esa guerra apenas ha comenzado.

Los dispositivos técnicos son en sí mismos inertes: todo depende de lo que las sociedades, en definitiva, hacen con ellos. En el caso de Internet, estamos todavía en lo que yo llamo el momento o, momento intensamente utópico. Cómo la Red marcará el siglo XXI es una pregunta abierta, que todavía no puede tener respuesta. Generar reflexión y polémica es lo que hoy podemos y debemos hacer. Ese es, me parece, el objetivo de este libro."

Elíseo Verón