«TICs, desarrollo y negocios inclusivos», Fundación Telefónica (2012)


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Las TIC y en particular las tecnologías móviles, pueden generar usos sociales positivos para mejorar la calidad de vida de los más desfavorecidos y apoyar su integración social. El uso de las TIC es la forma más sencilla y, probablemente, la única en muchos casos para desarrollar y hacer efectivos servicios de salud, educación, negocios, administración, etc. Es necesario trabajar para solucionar la Brecha Digital y repensar las formas tradicionales de cooperación al desarrollo.
La implantación de las TIC en América Latina presenta ciertos rasgos diferenciales respecto a lo que está ocurriendo en otros continentes con mayoría de países en vías de desarrollo, como el africano o asiático.

«The Crowdfunding Revolution: How to Raise Venture Capital Using Social Media», LAWTON, Kevin; MARON, Dan (2012)


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The Crowdfunding Revolution explains how the explosive growth of connectivity via physical and social technologies is changing the nature of venture capital funding by drawing small sums of money from a large number of sources'rather than the traditional method of getting large commitments from a few sources. Learn how to you tap into the 'collective intelligence' of the two billion people using the Internet at any given time.

Kevin Lawton is a progenitor of PC virtualization (now a multi-billion dollar cloud-related industry), startup entrepreneur, trend-caster, and blogger for TrendCaller.com.
Dan Marom has been involved in several technology ventures as a consultant. He is a PhD candidate in Finance at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

«The Parent App. Understanding Families in the Digital Age», SCHOFIELD CLARK, Lynn (2012)


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Ninety-five percent of American kids have Internet access by age 11; the average number of texts a teenager sends each month is well over 3,100. More families report that technology makes life with children more challenging, not less, as parents today struggle with questions previous generations never faced: Is my thirteen-year-old responsible enough for a Facebook page? What will happen if I give my nine year-old a cell phone?

In The Parent App, Clark provides what families have been sorely lacking: smart, sensitive, and effective strategies for coping with the dilemmas of digital and mobile media in modern life. Clark set about interviewing scores of mothers and fathers, identifying not only their various approaches, but how they differ according to family income. Parents in upper-income families encourage their children to use media to enhance their education and self-development and to avoid use that might distract them from goals of high achievement. Lower income families, in contrast, encourage the use of digital and mobile media in ways that are respectful, compliant toward parents, and family-focused. Each approach has its own benefits and drawbacks, and whatever the parenting style or economic bracket, parents experience anxiety about how to manage new technology. With the understanding of a parent of teens and the rigor of a social scientist, she tackles a host of issues, such as family communication, online predators, cyber bullying, sexting, gamer drop-outs, helicopter parenting, technological monitoring, the effectiveness of strict controls, and much more.

The Parent App is more than an advice manual. As Clark admits, technology changes too rapidly for that. Rather, she puts parenting in context, exploring the meaning of media challenges and the consequences of our responses–for our lives as family members and as members of society.
Readership: Students, scholars, and researchers in sociology and media & communications; family therapists and pscyhologists; parents.

«Digital Ethics. Research and Practice», HEIDER, Don; MASSANARI, Adrienne L. (eds.) (2012)


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In a digital age of perceived anonymity and diminishing face-to-face contact what does it mean to be true to thyself? Has the internet given us license to be false to others, without consequence? Technology has given us capabilities we previously did not have and changed the way we think about time and space.
Although research is now being done on many aspects of the interplay between humans and technology, there currently exists a vacuum regarding behavior and usage of technology. This edited volume contains some of the best research on digital ethics from authors in communication, law, information studies, education, philosophy, political science, computer science, and business on topics that range from sexting to piracy.
This groundbreaking volume contributes to the growing body of knowledge in this area and provides a much-needed resource for scholars and teachers interested in exploring ethics in this new digital world.

«La comunicación política y las nuevas tecnologías», COTARELO, Ramón; CRESPO, Ismael (comps.) (2012)


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¿Perecerá la prensa de papel? ¿Agoniza el periodismo? ¿Se acabarán los secretos oficiales? ¿Puede hacerse la revolución online? ¿Hay un totalitarismo digital? ¿Invade Facebook la privacidad de los usuarios? ¿Pueden predecirse las elecciones con Twitter? ¿Se acabarán las encuestas y sondeos tradicionales? ¿Es eficaz el ciberactivismo? ¿Se harán transparentes los gobiernos? ¿Es hegemónico el ciberpunk? ¿Es la forma de comunicar más importante que lo comunicado? Las tecnologías de la comunicación y la información han invadido a gran velocidad todos los procesos sociales y los han integrado en una mezcla en la que todo influye sobre todo: los discursos político, económico, mediático, filosófico, religioso, deportivo, chismoso, etc., se enredan en el ciberespacio en una avalancha de información a la que los ciudadanos se enfrentan cotidianamente como consumidores a la vez que como productores de contenidos. La comunicación domina el mundo en tiempo real, lo deconstruye cotidianamente, lo reconstruye según las necesidades y planes de cada cual y es un gran paso en la emancipación de la especie. La comunicación política abre el camino a la ciudadanía universal y su exclusión ya no es posible.

«Social Media as Surveillance. Rethinking Visibility in a Converging World», TROTTIER, Daniel (2012)


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While there is a lot of popular and academic interest in social media, this is the first academic work which addresses its growing presence in the surveillance of everyday life. Some scholars have considered its impact on privacy, but these efforts overlook the broader risks for users. Commonsense recommendations of care and vigilance are not enough, as attempts to manage an individual presence are complicated by the features which make social media 'social'. Facebook friends routinely expose each other, and this information leaks from one context to another.

This book develops a surveillance studies approach to social media by presenting first hand ethnographic research with a variety of personal and professional social media users. Using Facebook as a case-study, it describes growing monitoring practices that involve social media. What makes this study unique is that it not only considers social media surveillance as multi-purpose, but also shows how these different purposes augment one another, leading to a rapid spread of surveillance and visibility.

Individual, institutional, market-based, security and intelligence forms of surveillance therefore co-exist with each other on the same site. Not only are they drawing from the same interface and information, but these practices also augment each other.

This groundbreaking research considers the rapid growth and volatility of social media technology by treating these aspects as central to social media surveillance.
Contents: Introducing social media surveillance; What kind of dwelling is Facebook? Scholarly perspectives; Interpersonal social media surveillance; Institutional social media surveillance; Market social media surveillance; Policing social media; What's social about social media? Conclusions and recommendations; References; Index.

«Mayores y ciberespacio. Procesos de inclusión y exclusión», QUEROL, Vicent A (2012)


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Las personas mayores suponen el grupo más amplio en riesgo de quedar al margen de la sociedad informacional. Los procesos de inclusión frágiles en el uso de las TIC de los trabajadores/as durante las últimas etapas de su vida laboral y la posterior jubilación constituyen un caldo de cultivo para la puesta en marcha de estrategias singulares por parte de estas personas. Este texto se fija en estos procesos que conllevan mayor o menor grado de inclusión y exclusión, partiendo de situaciones laborales heterogéneas que nos permitirán observar el fenómeno y su incidencia en las diversas esferas -laboral, personal, familiar, y de ocio- de la vida cotidiana de los mayores en su relación con el ciberespacio.

«The Social Media Manifesto», HALLAM, Jed (2012)


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Social technology has fundamentally changed the way in which businesses operate. The use of social technology is fast becoming a business-spanning medium that can affect the very organizational structure of a company and engaging with it quickly is key to making a business competitive, future minded, profitable and, perhaps most importantly in an increasingly competitive age, sustainable.

Many people in companies and organisations are aware of social media and the potential impact and opportunity that has been created, yet it remains largely fragmented and without integration into business processes. The Social Media Manifesto is a handbook to enable leaders from across the whole business to understand how social technology can be incorporated into their every day business lives. From organisational structure and the need for a Chief Data Officer, through to CSR and the implications of social technology on research and development, Jed Hallam, a leading social media expert, addresses every department of a business and how it can gain new competitive advantages and become a truly social enterprise.

With insights from global leaders and thinkers, Hallam presents a new way of working in the digital world by not only understanding your own structure but delving into the vast amount data now available on customers. He argues that the social media revolution is not just about technology or marketing, but about human insight and engagement. By studying the trends of consumers, markets and competitors, Hallam shows companies how to construct a better, more social brand and therefore a better business. This essential knowledge of how to engage with social technology provides business leaders with a source of constant innovation where competitive decisions can be made to open an almost boundless world of opportunity for the modern business.

«El Kit de la Lucha en Internet», PADILLA, Margarita (2012)


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Pocas dudas caben ya de que Internet se ha convertido en un terreno de batalla crucial para el futuro del desarrollo de la crítica, la transformación y los propios movimientos sociales. A partir de algunas de las principales propuestas ciberactivistas que se han desarrollado en los últimos años como WikiLeaks, Anonymus o Hacktivistas, este libro apuesta por la libertad en Internet, la lucha contra la censura y la falsa escasez de los bienes inmateriales.

Su propio mimetismo con la lógica de la Red (abierta, distribuida, flexible), les ha permitido aportar nuevas herramientas, métodos novedosos y elementos de organización originales que resultan cada vez más imprescindibles ya no sólo para las luchas en Internet, sino también para todos aquéllos que tratan de afrontar eficazmente la transformación de las democracias capitalistas tardías.

Margarita Padilla. Ingeniera informática y ex Directora de la revista Mundo Linux, pertenece a esa escasa minoría de mujeres capaces de crear y mantener sistemas, y le gusta decir que trabaja “haciendo Internet”. Junto a otros hackers, fundó Sindominio.net. Aprendió GNU/Linux y los usos sociales y políticos de las nuevas tecnologías en centros sociales okupados. Algo que en la Universidad nunca le enseñaron.

«Digital Media and Learner Identity. The New Curatorship», POTTER, John (2012)


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Many studies of digital education focus on technology rather than on the learners or on what they make and do with the devices they use every day. This book takes a different path, putting the learners and their lives at the heart of the narrative. Through an in-depth account of media production activities by younger learners it shows their motivations and dispositions in storying their identity in short video pieces. It suggests that their authoring and editing practices are examples of the new curatorship: the representation through life of identity and affiliation in digital media. It considers the implications of this for teaching and learning in the years to come and concludes with a manifesto for a future media education.