«La comunicazione politica», SORICE, Michele (2011)


LibrosSociología de la comunicación

Quali sono i meccanismi e le dinamiche che governano la comunicazione politica contemporanea? Che rapporto c'è tra quest'ultima e la comunicazione elettorale? Si tratta solo di una tecnica di propaganda per costruire il consenso? Il libro affronta in maniera chiara e semplice i temi più importanti della comunicazione politica: dalla sua definizione agli elementi che la compongono, dall'analisi del media management al ruolo degli spin doctor, fino al marketing elettorale e alle nuove forme di comunicazione politica nel web 2.1.

«New Questions, New Insights, New Approaches. Contributions to the Research Forum at the World Summit on Media For Children and Youth 2110», VON FEILITZEN, Cecilia; CARLSSON, Ulla; BUCHT, Catharina (2011)


LibrosSociología de la comunicación

In cooperation with the hosts of the World Summit on Media for Children and Youth in 2110, Karlstad, Sweden, The International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media organized a Research Forum with different sessions in the summit programme. The aim was to provide a space for an exchange of knowledge and a dialogue between the different groups of delegates at the summit and for researchers to reach out to interested parties in and outside the research community. Under the overriding theme of the introductory Plenary Session "New Questions, New Insights, New Approaches", The Clearinghouse Research Forum had four more sessions with panels on different themes:

• Children, Media, Consumption and Health
• Media Ethics and Social Responsibility
• Communication for Social Change
• Media Literacy and Education

The current Yearbook is based on the twenty-five presentations given by a range of the most outstanding scholars from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America. For this book, they reworked their contributions to provide slightly extended articles.

«Séries et politique. Quand la fiction contribue à l'opinion», BELLETANTE, Joseph (2011)


LibrosSociología de la comunicación

Les séries américaines plongent les publics dans des univers médiatiques qui déforment la démocratie réelle et qui font l'éloge de héros abandonnés, de personnages en crise, ballottés au gré de conflits psychologiques ou physiques que leur impose leur quotidien précaire. Les spectateurs s'exposent dès lors aux messages explicites et implicites contenus dans ces récits. Comment la fiction contribue-t-elle alors à façonner l'opinion?

«Comunicación y salud en la Argentina», PETRACCI, Mònica; WASBORD, Silvio (2011)


LibrosSociología de la comunicación

En este libro se presenta el estado de la investigación y práctica en comunicación y salud en la Argentina contemporánea. Constituye un esfuerzo pionero interesado en mostrar la diversidad y complejidad del encuentro de disciplinas y teorías interesadas en procesos de comunicación e información sobre salud y enfermedad. Como conversación entre profesionales de la comunicación, la salud pública y el periodismo, el campo ofrece una variedad de preguntas y desafíos centrales para entender cómo la sociedad argentina define y discute la salud. A través del análisis de la salud en los medios, las instituciones médicas, las campañas y los programas y políticas de salud pública, los capítulos seleccionados ofrecen un análisis riguroso que sirve tanto para el debate conceptual como para el diseño estratégico de programas. Se consideran experiencias de la comunicación en temas específicos de salud (gripe, VIH/sida, dengue, tabaquismo, cáncer) y cuestiones conceptuales generales (comunicación interpersonal, cobertura periodística, campañas de medios). El libro es un recurso fundamental de estudio y consulta para identificar líneas de investigación, evaluar experiencias y resultados de programas recientes, y continuar profundizando la colaboración de la salud pública y la comunicación. Los análisis presentados ofrecen lecciones para entender cómo la comunicación contribuye a mejorar las condiciones de salud de la población y fortalecer a los servicios de salud.

«The Gender and Media Reader», CELESTE KEARNEY, Mary (2011)


LibrosSociología de la comunicación

The Gender and Media Reader is an essential text for those interested in gender and media studies, its main topics, debates, and theoretical approaches. The primary objective of this collection is to expand readers’ knowledge of how gender operates within media culture through engagement with foundational writings as well as more contemporary research in this field. Taking a multiperspectival approach that considers gender broadly and examines media texts alongside their production and consumption, The Gender and Media Reader enables readers’ critical thinking about how gender is constructed, contested, and subverted in different sites within media culture. Along with the main introduction, individual section introductions facilitate readers’ understanding of the development of gender and media studies by contextualizing the various topics, debates, and theoretical approaches that have shaped it, as well as by highlighting current trends.

«Cultures of Participation. Media Practices, Politics and Literacy», GREIF, Hajo; HJORTH, Larissa; LÁSEN, Amparo; LOBERT-Maris, Claire (eds.) (2011)


LibrosSociología de la comunicación

To speak of participation today raises a series of questions on how the presence and use of new media affect modes of social participation. From a variety of theoretical, empirical and methodological perspectives, the contributions in this volume explore participation in different social realms – from everyday life, interpersonal relationships, work and leisure activities to collective and political action. This collection demonstrates that participation is a localised notion, assuming a multitude of shapes under a variety of technological, political, socio-economic, linguistic and cultural conditions.

«Comunicación de la salud: una aproximación multidisciplinar», MEDINA AGUERREBERE, Pablo; GONZÁLEZ PACANOWSKI, Antonio (coords.) (2011)


LibrosSociología de la comunicación

La comunicación de la salud experimenta hoy el cambio más profundo de su historia. Los nuevos canales, la irrupción de Internet y la redefinición de los sistemas sanitarios exigen una comprensión desde un enfoque multidisciplinar. Este libro intenta interpretar alguna de las claves más importantes relacionadas con este proceso de transformación. Académicos y expertos en la gestión del conocimiento biomédico aportan aquí su visión con la intención de acercarse a la esencia de esta nueva forma de comunicar y, en definitiva, contribuir a construir las bases de un nuevo modelo comunicativo.

«Mediating Climate Change», DOYLE, Julie (2011)


LibrosSociología de la comunicación

Climate change has been a significant area of scientific concern since the late 1971s, but has only recently entered mainstream culture and politics. However, as media coverage of climate change increases in the twenty-first century, the gap between our understanding of climate change and climate action appears to widen. 

In this timely book, Julie Doyle explores how practices of mediation and visualisation shape how we think about, address and act upon climate change. Through historical and contemporary case studies drawn from science, media, politics and culture, Mediating Climate Change identifies the representational problems climate change poses for public and political debate. It offers ways forward by exploring how climate change can be made more meaningful through, for example, innovative forms of climate activism, the reframing of meat and dairy consumption, media engagement with climate events and science, and artistic experimentation. 

Doyle argues that cultural discourses have problematically situated nature and the environment as objects externalised from humans and culture. Mediating Climate Change calls for a more nuanced understanding of human-environmental relations, in order for us to be able to more fully imagine and address the challenges climate change poses for us all.

«Pathways to Polling. Crisis, Cooperation and the Making of Public Opinion Professions», FRIED, Amy (2011)


LibrosSociología de la comunicación

In midcentury America, the public opinion polling enterprise faced a crisis of legitimacy. Every major polling firm predicted a win for Thomas Dewey over Harry Truman in the 1948 presidential election—and of course they all got it wrong. This failure generated considerable criticisms of polling and pollsters were forced to defend their craft, the quantitative analysis of public sentiment.

Pathways to Polling argues that early political pollsters, market researchers, and academic and government survey researchers were entrepreneurial figures who interacted through a broad network that was critical to the growth of public opinion enterprises. This network helped polling pioneers gain and maintain concrete, financial support to further their discrete operations. After the Truman-Dewey debacle, such links helped political polling survive when it could have just as easily been totally discredited. Amy Fried demonstrates how interactions between ideas, organizations, and institutions produced changes in the technological, political, and organizational paths of public opinion polling, notably affecting later developments and practice. Public opinion enterprises have changed a good deal, in the intervening half century, even as today’s approaches have been deeply imprinted by these early efforts.

«Medios de comunicación y cultura: ¿Cultura a medias?», GARCÍA, Marcial; LÓPEZ, Mabel; RUIZ, María Jesús (2011)


LibrosSociología de la comunicación

Los medios de comunicación están al servicio de los intereses del poder, de las pugnas ideológicas, de los grupos de presión, de la lógica capitalista, del consumismo, de las marcas, de la alienación, de la opulencia, de los estereotipos… De la mercantilización de la cultura.

Pero también en la prensa, la radio, el cine, la televisión, la publicidad e Internet se han creado espacios para la pluralidad, el diálogo, la reflexión, la crítica constructiva, la solidaridad, la convivencia, la diversidad, la trans­misión de valores… Para la contracultura.