

Ciudadanía y desarrollo socialComunicaciónPeriodismoRevistas Científicas

Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (PPGCOM/UFJF). Dá seqüência à edição impressa, publicada semestralmente, da Lumina, Revista da Faculdade de Comunicação / UFJF (ISSN 1516-0785 / e-ISSN 1981-4070), iniciada em julho de 1998 e concluída em dezembro de 2006. Com periodicidade quadrimestral a partir de 2016, aceitam-se artigos, resenhas, relatos de pesquisas e entrevistas sobre questões e temas relacionados ao campo de estudos da comunicação. Seus objetivos estão em consonância com os propósitos do PPGCOM/UFJF: – Pensar os meios em sua especificidade e interrogar o campo da comunicação quanto à definição de seu objeto segundo as perspectivas do pensamento científico atual, de seu enquadramento disciplinar e de suas linhas teóricas. – Articular pesquisa, ensino e prática visando refletir sobre a construção de sentidos num contexto de interfaces tecnológico-midiáticas, globais ou focalizadas. – Trabalhar com os meios buscando compreender a construção e a mutação das identidades, especialmente no âmbito da cultura. – Investigar a dinâmica dos meios e das imagens que estes geram tanto em grupos sociais quanto na sociedade em geral.

Journalism Practice


PeriodismoRevistas Científicas

Journalism Practice provides opportunities for reflective, critical and research-based studies focused on the professional practice of journalism. The emphasis on journalism practice does not imply any false or intellectually disabling disconnect between theory and practice, but simply an assertion that Journalism Practice’s primary concern is to analyse and explore issues of practice and professional relevance. Journalism Practice is an intellectually rigorous journal with all contributions being refereed anonymously by acknowledged international experts in the field. An intellectually lively, but professionally experienced, Editorial Board with a wide-ranging experience of journalism practice advises and supports the Editor.

Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 


ComunicaciónPeriodismoRevistas Científicas

Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly (JMCQ) is the flagship journal of the AEJMC. This quarterly, peer-reviewed journal is ranked in the Journal Citation Reports and focuses on research in journalism and mass communication. Established in 1924, it is the oldest refereed scholarly journal in mass communication and provides leadership in scholarship for the field. 



Ética de la comunicaciónPeriodismoRevistas Científicas

Journalism is a major international, peer-reviewed journal that provides a dedicated forum for articles from the growing community of academic researchers and critical practitioners with an interest in journalism. The journal is interdisciplinary and publishes both theoretical and empirical work and contributes to the social, economic, political, cultural and practical understanding of journalism. It includes contributions on current developments and historical changes within journalism.

Journal of Media Law & Ethics


ÉticaPeriodismoPolíticas de comunicaciónRevistas Científicas

This peer-reviewed scientific journal publishes theoretical and empirical papers and essays and book reviews that advance an understanding of media law and ethics and diversity in society. Submissions may have a legal, historical, psychological, social or cultural orientation but must focus on media and law, ethics or diversity. All theoretical perspectives are welcomed.

Journalism & Communication Monographs


ComunicaciónPeriodismoRevistas Científicas

Journalism & Communication Monographs (JCM) is a quarterly journal that presents in-depth, long-form research on specific topics. It provides a venue for scholarly works, particularly those that provide a critical or applied synthesis of significant scholarship. Works especially are encouraged that speak to the broader field of journalism and mass communication that seek to establish JCM as a readily available resource for understanding and advancing theory, methodology, and practice. 

Javnost – The Public


ComunicaciónCultura popularOpinión públicaPeriodismoRevistas Científicas

Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture – Javnost – The Public, an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed social and cultural science journal published by the European Institute for Communication and Culture in association with the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, addresses problems of the public sphere on international and interdisciplinary levels. It encourages the development of theory and research, and helps understand differences between cultures. Contributors confront problems of the public, public communication, public opinion, public discourse, publicness, publicity, and public life from a variety of disciplinary and theoretical perspectives.

Australian Journalism Review


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This open access, scholarly journal contains refereed articles on journalism, new media, communications, graphics, websites and related issues. It seeks to aid journalism and communications educators, researchers and those concerned with media analysis. Each edition contains abstracts of articles, full versions of which may be downloaded as PDFs.

Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico


ComunicaciónPeriodismoRevistas Científicas

Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, con ISSN 1134-1629 e ISSN-e 1988-2696, es una revista de periodicidad cuatrimestral. Es una revista científica que intenta fomentar la investigación de las formas expresivas y de las funciones sociales del periodismo y la comunicación. Publica sus artículos en castellano aunque admite también colaboraciones en otras lenguas con amplia difusión como el inglés, el francés y el portugués. Está dividida en tres secciones: Estudios, apartado monográfico dedicado a un tema de especial relevancia que puede proponer el Consejo Editorial de la revista; Investigaciones y Documentos, sección dedicada a trabajos que cumplan los objetivos de la revista descritos; y Bibliografía, que recoge críticas y reseñas sobre obras que aborden cualquier aspecto que importe a la actividad comunicativa del periodismo.