DESIGNA 2024 + CITIZENSHIP International Conference on Design Research (Portugal)

Inicio: 24/10/2024 Fin: 25/10/2024

Entidad Organizadora:



FAL—UBI . Covilhã



In a time characterized by the ecological emergency, the effects of economic neoliberalism and the constant threat to fundamental human rights, Design has been embracing causes that, although departing from its project matrix, break with disciplinary circumscription and many academic and professional conventions that have characterized it. However, many areas of traditional Design activity persist and coexist with progressive procedural hybridization, opening themselves up to contamination, but also nurturing other areas of cultural and economic action that are fundamental to contemporary urban life.

Design relates to multiple aspects of life in common, mediating relationships and projecting responses to pressing Citizenship issues, sometimes assuming a great ideological and political focus. Hence, the practice of Design in contemporary society demands a permanent and constant critical capacity in the face of the present, whether in professional responses or in its clear and recognized performance in formulating and articulating changes in social habits, imposed by the adoption of new values, motivated by the effects of austerity, climate change, pandemics or migration, among others.

This edition of DESIGNA aims to bring together, highlight, and discuss contributions of Design to Citizenship, both in the sphere of its relationship with citizens, individually considered, and in this declared and admittedly political perspective. On the other hand, in line with previous editions, the aim is to identify opportunities for new activities and design practices, generating responses to complex emerging problems, both from an ecological and geo-strategic point of view, reconciling this scale with the public and private sphere of individual action. The natural constitution of Design as an academic and scientific field depends on the ability to interpret and react to these cultural changes, whose economic and technological implications alter the epistemological framework of Design, its teaching, and its practice.

DESIGNA 2024 is an in-person international conference which will take place on October 24th and 25th, 2024, at UBI, Covilhã, Portugal, aimed at the presentation and discussion of articles, research results, and projects, encompassing workshops, book launching, and the inauguration of exhibitions in the wide field of Design as well.

Call For

Fin: 01/06/2024

CALL FOR PAPERS+PROJECTS DESIGNA 2024 (8th edition) invites the submission of original communication proposals or projects with a seminal profile, framed by the relationship between Design and Citizenship, and indexed to one of the conference’s thematic panels: P1 Theory and Criticism P2 History and Education P3 Communication Design P4 Product Design P5 Multimedia and Interface P6 Fashion Design P7 Design and Sustainability P8 Textile and Community