‘I’m unable to’: How generative AI chatbots respond when asked for the latest news



Dr Richard Fletcher, Marina Adami, Prof. Rasmus Kleis Nielsen

Key findings

In this factsheet we test how well two of the most widely used generative artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots – ChatGPT and Bard (now called Gemini)1 – provide the latest news to users who ask for the top five news headlines from specific outlets. We prompted each chatbot to provide headlines from the most widely used online news sources across ten countries and analysed the outputs to provide descriptive statistics on how they responded. For reasons explained below, the more detailed part of the analysis is focused on ChatGPT outputs from seven of the ten countries covered.

Based on an analysis of 4,500 headline requests (in 900 outputs) from ChatGPT and Bard collected across ten countries, we find that:

  • When prompted to provide the current top news headlines from specific outlets, ChatGPT returned non-news output 52–54% of the time (almost always in the form of an ‘I’m unable to’-style message). Bard did this 95% of the time.
  • For ChatGPT, just 8–10% of requests returned headlines that referred to top stories on the outlet’s homepage at the time. This means that when ChatGPT did return news-like output, the headlines provided did not refer to current top news stories most of the time.
  • Of the remaining requests, around one-third (30%) returned headlines that referred to real, existing stories from the news outlet in question but they were not among the latest top stories, either because they were old or because they were not at the top of the homepage.
  • Around 3% of outputs from ChatGPT contained headlines that referred to real stories that could only be found on the website of a different outlet. The misattribution (but not the story itself) could be considered a form of hallucination. A further 3% were so vague and ambiguous that they could not be matched to existing stories. These outputs could also be considered a form of hallucination.
  • The outputs from ChatGPT are heavily influenced by whether news websites have chosen to block it, and outputs from identical prompts can change over time for reasons that are not clear to users.
  • The majority (82%) of news-like outputs from ChatGPT contained a referral link to the outlet in question, but most of the time (72%) this was a link to the homepage rather than to a specific story (10%).


Large language models (LLMs) cannot typically be used as a source of news, in part because they are trained on old data from the web. However, some generative AI chatbots – like ChatGPT (Enterprise) and Google Bard – are connected to the web and can retrieve information in response to user prompts in real time. This, in theory, makes it possible to use some generative AI chatbots to get the latest online news from the websites of established outlets and other sources.

Very few people are currently using AI chatbots to get the news. In the UK, our own survey data from December 2023 suggests that just 2% of the UK online population has used generative AI to get the latest news (that is, 8% of those who have ever used generative AI, with other uses far more widespread) (Newman 2024). One reason for this is that the most widely used generative AI, ChatGPT, is only connected to the web for paid ‘Enterprise’ subscribers, and during almost all of this study, Google Bard was still in the experimental phase of development.

However, it seems highly likely that future generative AI tools will be connected to the web as standard, and the question of whether they can reliably retrieve and present up-to-date information from the web will become very important.

Previous research

While there is a rapidly growing body of research that explores how well generative AI completes certain tasks (e.g. passing standardised tests, coding text), relatively few studies examine how it responds to timely questions from users. There have been some attempts to test how generative AI responds to questions about upcoming elections. For example, one recent study by Proof News and the Science, Technology and Social Values Lab at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton found that answers to questions about the US election from five different AI models ‘were often inaccurate, misleading, and even downright harmful’ (Angwin et al. 2024).

When it comes to news specifically, in 2023 we wrote about our experiences of using ChatGPT for news (Adami 2023a, 2023b). This factsheet builds on these accounts and attempts to provide – for the first time, as far as we are aware – a more systematic, descriptive analysis of what happens when generative AI chatbots are asked about the latest news.

Seguir leyendo: Reuters Institute

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