Environmental Communication


Medio ambienteRevistas Científicas

Reino Unido

Communication is understood as pragmatic and constitutive—that is, influencing, moving, naming, negotiating, orienting, reacting to, and otherwise shaping the world in complex ways. We publish significant research in critical, theoretical, and applied fields, such as: business & organizational communication; critical advertising, public relations, & design; Critical Environmental Justice Studies; critical legal studies & policy; critical theory & ethics; Cultural Studies; discourse, linguistics and social interaction; ecocultural, interpersonal, & intercultural communication; Ethnic Studies; Feminist, Gender, & Sexuality Studies; health and risk communication; critical information studies & communication technologies; journalism & mass communication; media studies, including fashion, film, games, music, photography, podcasting, radio, & television; pedagogy; performance studies, including ethnography; public participation & governance; rhetoric & public culture; science communication; and social & behavioral change.

We foster historical, current, and futurist research on environmental topics, including: abolitionist ecologies; air & wind; animals & animality; apocalypse; biodiversity & extinction; blue ecology & oceans; buildings and infrastructure; climate; consumer studies and market-based advocacy; disasters; disinformation and misinformation campaigns; eco-ableism; eco-fascist myths; eco-feminisms; environmental historiography; environmental and climate justice; energy; environmental law and rights; fire & heat; food systems; greenwashing; heat; Indigenous epistemologies; intergenerational studies; just transition; labor; land; militarism; nature; natural resource management; outdoor recreation & tourism; plants; pollution; popular culture & trends; public controversies; public health; queer ecologies; racial ecologies; social movements, protests, and revolution; sovereignty; sports; spirituality & religion; sustainability, including economy, ecology, and equity; transportation; waste; water; and wildlife, nature, & marine conservation, preservation, and conflict.

The pages of this journal ideally are not written tabula rasa, as if each author just discovered communication matters for environmental relations (and vice versa). Authors are expected to write for an informed, interdisciplinary, and international audience. We provide a forum for ongoing conversations building collective knowledge, although one need not agree or be shy about areas of marginalization and critique to date. Our editorial board is committed to equitable and inclusive reviewing practices. Given our global readership, we encourage contributions to be contextualized in specific cultures at particular historical moments and attuned to power inequities, including in research topic, design, analysis, and citations.

Más información: Environmental Communication | Taylor & Francis Online (tandfonline.com)