«Exporting the Public Value Test. The Regulation of Public Broadcasters’ New Media Services Across Europe», DONDERS, Karen; MOE, Hallvard (2011)


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Public service broadcasters across Europe are venturing into the digital world, launching niche TV channels, building extensive websites, developing commercial services, entering into partnerships with external actors, and exploring new ways to reach users, whether its through smart phone apps or screens in public spaces. Such endeavours intensify fundamental discussions about what we need public service media institutions for. These are complex discussions, building on history, encompassing new technology, and involving a range of strong stakeholders. Recently, the so-called public value test has emerged as the focal point for these discussions. As a detailed regulatory scheme to measure the public worth and possible market impact of planned publicly funded media services, the public value test is causing controversy across Europe. This collection of short essays from academics, regulators, public broadcasters and private media representatives, provides thought-provoking perspectives on the state of play of public value tests in a range of European states. In so doing, the book is a topical intervention in the ongoing debate about the future of our media systems.

«Medvedev's Media Affairs», DUNKERLEY, William (2011)


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Medvedev's Media Affairs by William Dunkerley presents a factual and insightful analysis of today's Russian media — newspapers and TV. Dunkerley provides detailed background and makes predictions for the future.

The author metaphorically describes Russian president Dmitry Medvedev's relationship with the Russian media as a story of love on the rocks and an impending breakup. But the intrigue along the way, he says, is a real eye-opener. It includes government enacting laws that sabotaged Russian press freedom, politicians and business tycoons pulling the Russian media strings from behind the scenes, and henchmen planting bogus news stories to deceive the public.

Dunkerley approaches this subject from an analytical perspective. He's got detailed inside information and is willing to share it. The author dissects the underlying Russian media and political systems to explain each new media development. This gives a fact-based glimpse into this fascinating, high-stakes drama. The result is a no-nonsense account like never seen before.

The book is dedicated to the memory of Paul Klebnikov. His work in Russia, according to Dunkerley, "exemplified the kind of consumer-centric journalism that is still so badly needed in the country today."

About the Author: William Dunkerley is a media business analyst and consultant based in New Britain, CT. He works extensively in Russia and other post-communist countries, and has advised governments on matters of press freedom and media sector development. He has written and spoken widely on the topic of Russia's media business.

«CommunityMHZ. Assessing Community Radio Perfomance in Nepal», VV.AA. (2011)


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The CRSC has over the years come up with topical books and manuals with the objective of further consolidating community radio and their performance with the support of Free Voice, the Netherlands. While some have been rendered into the English language given their global relevance, others are available in Nepali and have been listed below in PDF format all for free downloading.

The strategy is aimed at producing books and reference materials for community radio journalists, managers and leadership in the form code of conduct, production manual which cover fundamental dynamic of community radio and include strategic plan, organizational development, sustainability, technical aspect and benchmarking of community radio stations.

«La investigación en comunicación. Métodos y técnicas en la era digital», VILCHES, Lorenzo (coord.) (2011)


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La investigación en comunicación se ha hecho indispensable en los medios de comunicación, los departamentos de marketing y relaciones públicas de las empresas, en los gabinetes políticos, las agencias internacionales de la salud, la educación y la cultura, de las ONG y de las cadenas de restaurantes. Como es natural, la enseñanza de metodologías de investigación se halla presente en casi todos los planes de estudios de las facultades de comunicación, en forma autónoma y con una tradición propia que la diferencia de la investigación sociológica. La bibliografía, sin embargo, ha seguido un camino menos dinámico que la evolución de la comunicación. Los estudiantes y quienes se acercan a la investigación desde la empresa o las instituciones se encuentran con el Olimpo de autores clásicos pertenecientes a las teorías de la comunicación, o bien, con una gran cantidad de publicaciones de carácter enciclopédico pero donde escasean los ejemplos y los estudios de caso. Internet y los recursos digitales, hoy extendidos por el mundo, se hallan ausentes en la mayoría de los manuales al uso. La nueva realidad comunicativa y la sociedad digital exigen una renovación inmediata. Este libro es un manual práctico. Se apoya, sin embargo, en las metodologías de mayor prestigio y eficacia en el ámbito de la comunicación, así como en la extensa experiencia de docencia e investigación de sus autores. Como no podía ser menos, se han incorporado consejos y aplicaciones de investigación en Internet, indispensable como fuente de recursos de la comunicación en la era digital. Esta obra está coordinado por Catedrático de Periodismo en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) Lorenzo Vilches. Nuria Simelio, es profesora Lectora del Departamento de Periodismo y Ciencias de la Comunicación de la UAB. Olga del Río es profesora del Departamento de Periodismo y Ciencias de la Comunicación de la UAB. Todos los autores son docentes de Métodos de Investigación en comunicación de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación en la UAB. Colaboran también en este libro Óscar Coromina, profesor del Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual de la UAB y las investigadoras de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la UAB: Ana María Castillo y Alejandra Vilches B.

«Community Radio in the Twenty-First Century», GORDON, Janey (ed) (2000)


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In the twenty-first century, community radio is fulfilling an increasingly important role in the world's mediascape. This book documents the ways in which community radio broadcasters and activists are using the medium in countries around the world to challenge political corruption, aid the transition to political democracy and broadcast voices that are otherwise unheard. The contributors to the volume are academics and practitioners from five continents, many with first-hand experience of community radio. Each chapter demonstrates the pivotal role that small radio stations can play in developing, sustaining and invigorating communities. The book charts campaigns for the legalisation of community radio and relates them to a theoretical context, while providing illustrations and examples from community radio stations around the world.