Javnost – The Public


ComunicaciónCultura popularOpinión públicaPeriodismoRevistas Científicas

Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture – Javnost – The Public, an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed social and cultural science journal published by the European Institute for Communication and Culture in association with the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, addresses problems of the public sphere on international and interdisciplinary levels. It encourages the development of theory and research, and helps understand differences between cultures. Contributors confront problems of the public, public communication, public opinion, public discourse, publicness, publicity, and public life from a variety of disciplinary and theoretical perspectives.

Journal of Science Communication


ComunicaciónRevistas Científicas

The Journal of Science Communication (JCOM) is a diamond open access, peer reviewed journal focused on science communication. The Journal covers a broad range of issues pertinent to science communication and public engagement with STEM, including citizen science as well as environmental and health communication, where these relate to communication of research.

Journalism & Communication Monographs


ComunicaciónPeriodismoRevistas Científicas

Journalism & Communication Monographs (JCM) is a quarterly journal that presents in-depth, long-form research on specific topics. It provides a venue for scholarly works, particularly those that provide a critical or applied synthesis of significant scholarship. Works especially are encouraged that speak to the broader field of journalism and mass communication that seek to establish JCM as a readily available resource for understanding and advancing theory, methodology, and practice. 

Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media


ComunicaciónRevistas CientíficasTecnologías de la comunicación

Published quarterly for the Broadcast Education Association, the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Mediapresents timely research articles about new developments, trends, and innovations in electronic and digital communication to advance scholarly discoveries and real-world solutions. The Journal invites original research submissions that examine a broad range of topics addressing audiences and media technologies, including technological, social, psychological, cultural, historical, political, economic, legal and policy dimensions. Scholarship that tests theory, extends knowledge and/or fosters innovative perspectives on issues of importance to interdisciplinary research, is particularly encouraged.  The Journal is open to a diversity of theoretic paradigms and research methodologies.

Journal of Communication


ComunicaciónRevistas Científicas

The Journal of Communication (JOC) is the flagship journal of the International Communication Association and an essential publication for all communication specialists and policy makers.
The Journal of Communication concentrates on communication research, practice, policy, and theory, bringing to its readers the latest, broadest, and most important findings in the field of communication studies. Journal of Communication also features an extensive book review section, and the symposia of selected studies on current issues.

Journal of Communication Inquiry


ComunicaciónCultura popularEstudios culturalesGéneroRevistas Científicas

The Journal of Communication Inquiry (JCI) is a forward-thinking, interdisciplinary forum that explores communication and mass communication phenomena within cultural and historical perspectives. Publishing cutting-edge research and analysis, the Journal of Communication Inquiry emphasizes philosophical, evaluative, empirical, legal, historical and critical inquiry into relationships between mass communication and society across time and culture.

INICIACOM: Revista Brasileira de Iniciação Científica em Comunicação Social


BrasilComunicaciónRevistas Científicas

Periódico semestral – somente em formato eletrônico – de difusão do conhecimento produzido pela Rede Intercom Júnior, publicada pela Intercom – Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Inderdisciplinares da Comunicação. A revista é publicada em português, com resumos dos trabalhos em inglês e espanhol. O tí­tulo abreviado da revista é Iniciacom, forma que deve ser usada em bibliografias, notas de rodapé, referências e legendas bibliográficas.



ComunicaciónRevistas Científicas

InMedia est une revue en ligne à évaluation en double aveugle qui étudie les médias et les représentations qu’ils véhiculent. La revue examine la presse écrite, la photographie, la peinture, le cinéma, la télévision, les jeux vidéo, la musique, la radio ou encore l’internet. Elle propose une approche pluridisciplinaire et comparatiste ; sont représentées l’histoire, l’économie, les sciences politiques, la sociologie, l’esthétique, l’anthropologie ou encore les sciences de l’information et de la communication.

InMediaciones de la Comunicación


ComunicaciónRevistas Científicas

InMediaciones de la Comunicación (Inmediac. Comun.) es una revista académica arbitrada, de acceso abierto y sin fines de lucro que publica desde 1998 la Universidad ORT Uruguay.

El propósito está centrado en la publicación de artículos originales y la difusión de entrevistas, ensayos y resultados de investigaciones que tienen lugar en el campo de la comunicación y disciplinas afines, con especial atención en los procesos de mediatización social, el impacto de las transformaciones tecnológicas y el estudio de los fenómenos mediáticos contemporáneos. El contenido está dirigido a investigadores, docentes, estudiantes universitarios de grado y de posgrado y personas con interés en las distintas áreas de la comunicación. 

Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation


Alfabetización mediáticaComunicaciónCultura digitalEducaciónRevistas CientíficasTecnologías de la comunicación

Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation is an open, semi-annual and peer-reviewed research journal published by the Publications Service and the Innoeduca Research Group of the University of Malaga (Spain). This journal provides a platform for exposing and sharing knowledge in the form of empirical and theoretical research articles, case studies, and literature reviews. The articles sent must comply with the publication standards and deal with education, innovation and technology. Articles written in English or Spanish.