Information Sciences Letters


Cultura digitalInformaciónInteligencia ArtificialInternetPaíses ÁrabesRevistas CientíficasTecnologías de la comunicación

Information Sciences Letters (ISL) offers an exciting publication outlet for novel and frontier Information Sciences and accepts new submissions in English and Arabic languages. The aim and scope of (ISL) is to provide a platform for the dissemination of high-quality research in the field of information sciences. ISL aims to publish original and innovative research findings, methodologies, and theoretical contributions that advance the understanding and application of information sciences.

Culturomics: Interdisciplinary Path Towards Quantitative Study of Human Culture


AudienciasMetodologíaRevistas Científicas

Culture is what separates us from other living creatures. It is a complex interplay of customs and beliefs transmitted through social learning. Culture encompasses peculiar aspects of human behavior such as language, religion or art, some of which are found in all societies whereas others are endemic to specific ones. With advent of social media new cultural traits start emerging in form of emoticons, hashtags and netiquettes, shifting the paradigm of what culture is and how we relate to it.

Social Media + Society


Revistas Científicas

Social Media + Society is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that focuses on advancing the understanding of social media and its impact on societies past, present and future. View full journal description. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Journal of Social Media and Society


Revistas CientíficasTecnologías de la comunicación

The Journal of Social Media in Society (JSMS) was created to advance the study of social media with current literature based on theory, research and practice from all methodological frameworks. JSMS is a research-based journal focused on the interest of social media in society. The journal defines “social media” as interactive online platforms (including mobile technology) where we connect to share, discuss, create and collaborate. It began as an idea incubated by the Texas Social Media Research Institute.