Science Communication


AudienciasComunicaciónCultura digitalPeriodismoPráctica profesionalRevistas Científicas

The primary aim of Science Communication is to publish peer-reviewed research that is focused on both science and communication and is of the highest quality, in terms of theory and methods. As mentioned in our journal description, we define science broadly to include social science, technology, environment, engineering, and health, as well as the physical and natural sciences.

Culturomics: Interdisciplinary Path Towards Quantitative Study of Human Culture


AudienciasMetodologíaRevistas Científicas

Culture is what separates us from other living creatures. It is a complex interplay of customs and beliefs transmitted through social learning. Culture encompasses peculiar aspects of human behavior such as language, religion or art, some of which are found in all societies whereas others are endemic to specific ones. With advent of social media new cultural traits start emerging in form of emoticons, hashtags and netiquettes, shifting the paradigm of what culture is and how we relate to it.



AudienciasComunicaciónCulturaEducaciónRevistas Científicas

La revista MEDIACIONES es una publicación de difusión científica, académica y creativa, de periodicidad bianual, editada por la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios – UNIMINUTO. Se concibe como un espacio de creación y reflexión estructurado en torno al eje central de la comunicación y sus mediaciones, comprendido como un campo de conocimiento inter y transdisciplinario.

Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture


AudienciasCiudadanía y desarrollo socialComunicaciónCultura popularPolíticas de comunicaciónRevistas Científicas

Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture (WPCC) wishes to engage international scholars in a critical debate about the relationship between communication, culture and society in the 21st century. WPCC is a peer-reviewed journal, published online. The interdisciplinary nature of the field of Media and Cultural Studies is reflected in the diverse methods, contexts and themes of the papers published. Areas of interest include – but are not limited to – the history and political economy of the media, popular culture, media users and producers, political communication and developments arising from digital technologies in the context of an increasingly globalized and networked world. Contributions from both established scholars and those at the beginning of their academic career are equally welcome.

Obra digital (OD)


AudienciasComunicaciónMárketingPublicidadRelaciones públicasRevistas CientíficasTecnologías de la comunicaciónVideojuegos

REspecializada en comunicación, publica investigaciones en distintas áreas que incluyen, pero no se limitan a: TIC, audiencias, nuevos lenguajes, comunicación digital, comunicaciones aplicadas, relaciones públicas, comunicación organizacional, comunicación política, comunicación y educación, diseño, marketing y publicidad, redes sociales y videojuegos, audiovisuales y monográficos especializados en temas de máxima actualidad.

Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication


AudienciasRevistas CientíficasTecnologías de la comunicación

Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC) is a fully open-access scholarly journal. Its focus is social science research on communicating with computer-based media technologies. Within that general purview, the journal is broadly interdisciplinary, publishing work by scholars in communication, business, education, political science, sociology, psychology, media studies, information science, and other disciplines. Acceptable formats for submission include original research articles and meta-analyses of prior research.

Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking


AudienciasCultura digitalRevistas CientíficasVideojuegos

Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking is the premier peer-reviewed journal for authoritative research on understanding the social, behavioral, and psychological impact of today's social networking practices, including Twitter, Facebook, and internet gaming and commerce. Highly regarded as the go-to source in the field, the Journal has been at the forefront of social networking and virtual reality for over 20 years. It is known for its rapid communication articles and in-depth studies surrounding the effects of interactive technologies on behavior and society, both positive and negative.

Continuum Journal of Media & Cultural Studies


AudienciasComunicaciónCulturaEstudios culturalesHistoria de la comunicaciónRevistas Científicas

Continuum is an academic journal of media and cultural studies. For over two decades it has contributed to the formation of these disciplines by identifying new areas for investigation and developing new agendas for enquiry in the fields. The journal has consistently provided a space for important new voices in media and cultural studies, while also featuring the work of internationally renowned scholars. Continuum is now one of the most highly regarded and most cited journals in media and cultural studies.

Critical Studies in Media Communication


AudienciasCultura digitalEstudios culturalesHistoria de la comunicaciónIndustria de la comunicaciónRevistas Científicas

Critical Studies in Media Communication (CSMC) is a peer-reviewed publication of the National Communication Association. CSMC publishes original scholarship in mediated and mass communication from a cultural studies and/or critical perspective. It particularly welcomes submissions that enrich debates among various critical traditions, methodological and analytical approaches, and theoretical standpoints.