Public Relations Inquiry


Ciudadanía y desarrollo socialComunicación de las organizacionesRelaciones públicasRevistas Científicas

Public Relations Inquiry is an international, peer-reviewed journal for conceptual, reflexive and critical discussion on public relations, supporting debates on new ways of thinking about public relations in social, cultural and political contexts, in order to improve understanding of its work and effects beyond the purely organisational realm. We interpret public relations in a broad sense, recognising the influence of public relations practices on the many forms of contemporary strategic, promotional communication initiated by organisations, institutions and individuals.

Romanian Journal of Communication And Public Relations


Relaciones públicasRevistas Científicas

The Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations welcomes high quality contributions investigating topics in the fields of mass media, communication and public relations, from theoretical, empirical and critical perspectives. The RJCPR mainly favors original and articulate research papers, but theory-focused articles, book reviews and other scientific contributions are also welcome.



Comunicación de las organizacionesMárketingRelaciones públicasRevistas Científicas

SIGNUM – Revista Internacional de Investigación en Eventos, Protocolo y Relaciones Institucionales (ISSN: 2951-9276), con una periodicidad semestral, admite el envío de artículos, notas de investigación, revisiones de la bibliografía y recensiones que procedan de instituciones académicas. Es por esto por lo que se aceptarán trabajos en español e inglés. 

Correspondencias & análisis


América Latina y CaribeComunicaciónComunicación audiovisualPeriodismoPublicidadRelaciones públicasRevistas Científicas

La revista Correspondencias & análisis es editada y financiada al 100% por el Instituto de Investigación de la Escuela Profesional de Comunicación de la Universidad de San Martín de Porres. La misión de la revista es convertirse en una fuente de investigación académica en comunicación social a nivel nacional e internacional, que contribuya en la generación de fuentes propias y próximas de la situación del Perú, así como de la realidad global.

Trípodos: Revista digital de comunicación


Cine y DocumentalComunicaciónInternetPublicidadRadioRelaciones públicasRevistas CientíficasTelevisión

Tripodos is an academic journal of international scope published by the Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations, Ramon Llull University. Since 1996, the pages of this biannual publication have offered a forum for debate and critical discussion with regard to any discipline related to the world of communication: journalism, cinema, television, radio, advertising, public relations, the Internet, etc.



Comunicación de las organizacionesComunicación interculturalMárketingPeriodismoRelaciones públicasRevistas Científicas

PRism (ISSN 1448-4404) is a free-access, online, peer-refereed public relations and communication research journal. It was established in 2002 to meet the need for readily available, quality controlled public relations and communication research materials online, and published its first issue in 2003. PRism is supported by a diverse and distinguished editorial board comprising 50 international academics with extensive scholarly and practical public relations and communication expertise. Board members are particularly dedicated to the support and encouragement of new scholarship in public relations and communication, through detailed and constructive refereeing.

Public Relations Review


Comunicación de las organizacionesMárketingOpinión públicaPolíticas de comunicaciónRelaciones públicasRevistas Científicas

The Public Relations Review is the oldest journal devoted to articles that examine public relations in depth, and commentaries by specialists in the field. Most of the articles are based on empirical research undertaken by professionals and academics in the field. In addition to research articles and commentaries, The Review publishes invited research in brief, and book reviews in the fields of public relations, mass communications, organizational communications, public opinion formations, social science research and evaluation, marketing, management and public policy formation.

Public Relations Journal


Relaciones públicasRevistas Científicas

The Public Relations Journal, published quarterly by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), is an open-access, peer-reviewed electronic research journal facilitating the transfer of knowledge from the educational community to the professional community.