NUJ’s News Recovery Plan – From Health Crisis to Good News



Michelle Stanistreet, general secretary of the National Union of Journalists, calls for a bold News Recovery Plan to ensure that quality local and national journalism can sustain through the immediate Covid-19 crisis, and a package of economic stimulus measures that will ensure journalists play their full part in the recovery, and reinvigorate and reimagine the sector into the future across the UK and Ireland.

In a matter of weeks, the Covid-19 crisis has transformed life as we knew it. Economies at home and abroad are flailing as a virus continues to upend economic, societal and governmental norms. The impact is both macro and micro, nationwide and local. Our ability to look after and care for loved ones is compromised as movement is restricted, jobs are furloughed and pay is cut, whilst the fear or reality of illness is, respectively, prevalent and

With our lives stripped back, the value of our public services is felt profoundly at a time when they are under unprecedented strain, struggling to cope, with some at breaking point.

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