Identity Collision: Older Gay Men Using Technology

Avi Marciano, Galit Nimrod, Identity Collision: Older Gay Men Using Technology, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Volume 26, Issue 1, January 2021, Pages 22–37,

We looked into older gay users’ identity work by applying thematic analysis to 17 semi-structured, in-depth interviews with participants aged 66–81 (mean = 73)

This study examines identity work among older gay men in relation to Information and Communication Technology (ICT). It draws on the notion of IT identity—the extent to which individuals experience technology as integral to their sense of selves—to explore how their homosexuality and advanced age shape their relationships with technology. Applying thematic analysis to 17 semi-structured, in-depth interviews with gay male users aged 66–81, we show that while homosexuality and technology enable and reinforce one another, the relationship between technology and advanced age can be better defined by alienation and estrangement. Consequently, we argue that technology constitutes a crossroads at which the gay and elder identities intersect and collide. In this sense, technology is similar to other cultural constructs, like sexuality, that challenge the merger of advanced age and homosexuality, rendering the older gay identity almost impossible.