Studies in Russian & Soviet Cinema


Cine y DocumentalRevistas CientíficasRusia

Studies in Russian & Soviet Cinema  focuses on pre-revolutionary, Soviet and post- Soviet film, its aesthetic development, and its position between ideology and industry. SRSC invites contributions that constitute original research. The journal seeks to promote research from established scholars as well as to encourage researchers new to the field.



Cine y DocumentalRevistas CientíficasTelevisión

Screen is the leading international journal of academic film and television studies. From video art to popular television, from Hollywood to Hong Kong, from art cinema to British film finance, Screen authors cover a wide range of issues, both contemporary and historical, from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. Each quarterly issue combines substantial scholarly essays with reports and debates on conferences and current research, along with book reviews.

Revista Mediação


ArteCine y DocumentalComunicaciónCultura digitalIndustria de la comunicaciónMárketingPeriodismoPublicidadRevistas CientíficasSemióticaTecnologías de la comunicación

Os escopos temáticos abarcam as Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Ciências Humanas, Artes, com prioridade nas práticas comunicacionais tecnologiacamente midiadas, na indústria cultural, experiências culturais on-line, expressões das artes plásticas, do cinema e demais criações do audiovisual, som e música, artes da dança, literatura e interfaces com a sociologia, antropologia, história, administração, economia, filosofia, semiótica, ciências da linguagem, jornalismo, marketing e publicidade e propaganda.

Revista de Medicina y Cine / Journal of Medicine and Movies


Cine y DocumentalComunicación y saludRevistas Científicas

Revista de Medicina y Cine / Journal of Medicine and Movies es una publicación que analiza los contenidos biosanitarios del cine con fines educativos, discursivos, de mentalización y divulgación. Sus fundadores y actuales editores son José Elías García Sánchez y Enrique García Sánchez, profesores de la Universidad de Salamanca. La revista está publicada de forma on-line, es gratuita y bilingüe (español e inglés) y tiene una periodicidad trimestral. Está dirigida a los profesionales de ciencias de la salud, educación, comunicación y cine y a la población en general.

New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film


Cine y DocumentalRevistas Científicas

The journal aims to provide a platform for the study of new forms of cinematic practice and fresh approaches to cinemas hitherto neglected in western scholarship. It particularly welcomes scholarship that does not take existing paradigms and theoretical conceptualisations as given; rather, it anticipates submissions that are refreshing in approach and exhibit a willingness to tackle cinematic practices that are still in the process of development into something new.

Miguel Hernández Communication Journal


Cine y DocumentalComunicaciónComunicación audiovisualPeriodismoPublicidadRevistas Científicas

Revista internacional de índole científica especializada en la comunicación en sus distintas vertientes en el área de las ciencias sociales y artes visuales: periodística, audiovisual, publicitaria y cinematográfica. Se contemplan también temáticas interdisciplinares que pongan en relación las anteriores. Se admiten artículos y reseñas.

Journal of Religion and Film


Cine y DocumentalReligiónRevistas Científicas

The Journal of Religion & Film is a peer reviewed journal which is committed to the study of connections between the medium of film and the phenomena of religion, however those are defined. We encourage multiple approaches to the study of religion and film, including (but not limited to) the analysis of how religious traditions are portrayed in films; exploration of the religious concepts that may be found or utilized in the interpretation of films; study of how the religious ideals and background of the filmmakers may have influenced them; and analysis of how films themselves may operate “religiously” for viewers. We seek to create better understandings of both religion and film through the study of their mutual encounter and interactions.

Journal of Chinese Cinemas 


AsiaCine y DocumentalRevistas Científicas

Journal of Chinese Cinemas is a major refereed academic publication devoted to the study of Chinese film, drawing on the recent world-wide growth of interest in Chinese cinemas. An incredibly diverse range of films has emerged from all parts of the Chinese-speaking world over the last few years, with an ever increasing number of border-crossing collaborative efforts prominent among them. These exciting developments provide abundant ground for academic research.