

Comunicación de las organizacionesComunicación interculturalMárketingPeriodismoRelaciones públicasRevistas Científicas

PRism (ISSN 1448-4404) is a free-access, online, peer-refereed public relations and communication research journal. It was established in 2002 to meet the need for readily available, quality controlled public relations and communication research materials online, and published its first issue in 2003. PRism is supported by a diverse and distinguished editorial board comprising 50 international academics with extensive scholarly and practical public relations and communication expertise. Board members are particularly dedicated to the support and encouragement of new scholarship in public relations and communication, through detailed and constructive refereeing.

Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies


ComunicaciónCultura visualDiseñoMárketingRevistas Científicas

The Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies (OJCMT) is an international, rigorously peer-reviewed journal in the field of Communication and its related fields. OJCMT is interested in research not only on Theory and Practice  of Communication and Media Studies but also new trends and developments, Communication in Education, Visual Communication and Design, Integrated Marketing Communication and Advertising.

Obra digital (OD)


AudienciasComunicaciónMárketingPublicidadRelaciones públicasRevistas CientíficasTecnologías de la comunicaciónVideojuegos

REspecializada en comunicación, publica investigaciones en distintas áreas que incluyen, pero no se limitan a: TIC, audiencias, nuevos lenguajes, comunicación digital, comunicaciones aplicadas, relaciones públicas, comunicación organizacional, comunicación política, comunicación y educación, diseño, marketing y publicidad, redes sociales y videojuegos, audiovisuales y monográficos especializados en temas de máxima actualidad.

Journal of Media Economics 


Economía política de la comunicaciónIndustria de la comunicaciónMárketingPolíticas de comunicaciónRevistas Científicas

The Journal of Media Economics publishes original research on the economics and policy of mediated communication, focusing on firms, markets, and institutions. Reflecting the increasing diversity of analytical approaches employed in economics and recognizing that policies promoting social and political objectives may have significant economic impacts on media, the Journal encourages submissions reflecting the insights of diverse disciplinary perspectives and research methodologies, both empirical and theoretical.

Journal of International Marketing


MárketingPublicidadRevistas Científicas

Journal of International Marketing is an international, peer-reviewed journal that is dedicated to advancing international marketing practice, research, and theory. Contributions addressing any aspect of international marketing are welcome. The journal presents scholarly and managerially relevant articles on international marketing. Aimed at both international marketing/business scholars and practitioners at senior- and mid-level international marketing positions, the journal's prime objective is to bridge the gap between theory and practice in international marketing. 

Journal of Advertising Research


MárketingPublicidadRevistas Científicas

The mission of the Journal of Advertising Research (JAR) is to act as the research and development vehicle for professionals in all areas of marketing including media, research, advertising and communications. Published by WARC for the ARF, the JAR provides a forum for sharing findings, applications, new technologies and methodologies, and avenues of solution. Its primary audience is academics, as well as the practitioner at all levels of practice.

International Marketing Review


MárketingRevistas Científicas

International Marketing Review (IMR) is a journal that has, as its core remit, the goal of publishing research that pushes back the boundaries of international marketing knowledge. IMR does this by publishing novel research ideas, and by publishing papers that add substance to, question the basic assumptions of, reframe, or otherwise shape what we think we know within in the international marketing field. IMR is pluralistic, publishing papers that are conceptual, quantitative-empirical, or qualitative-empirical.

Communiquer – Revue de communication sociale et publique


AudienciasComunicaciónComunicación de las organizacionesComunicación interculturalComunicación y saludMárketingPublicidadRelaciones públicasRevistas Científicas

Communiquer, Revue de communication sociale et publique contribue à une meilleure compréhension des phénomènes de communication humains. Cette thématique est abordée dans son ensemble, qu’elle soit organisationnelle, interculturelle et internationale, interpersonnelle et de groupe, marketing et publicitaire, politique ou qu’elle touche à la santé, l’environnement, les technologies, la communication scientifique, les relations publiques, sans que ces indications ne soient exhaustives.