L’article analitza el perfil de 311 hospitals canadencs a la xarxa social Facebook, a partir de deu indicadors vinculats a la identitat, missió, valor, cultura i imatge de la institució
Bellaterra, 27–01–2016. L’investigador Pablo Medina Aguerrebere, membre del Grup Comunicació i Salut (InCom-UAB), ha publicat juntament amb Pilar Buil Gazol (Universitatd Internacional de Catalunya) i Robert L. Heath (University of Houston, School of Communication) al darrer número de la revista International Journal of Communication and Health un article que porta per títol “Brand dissemination in Canadian hospitals through Facebook”.
En el seu abstract podem llegir: “Social networks have managed to boost hospitals’ corporate communication. The aim of this paper is to study the impact of Facebook on the dissemination of hospitals’brand architectures. To this end, the Facebook profiles of 311 Canadian hospitals are analysed, and 10 indicators of brand architecture (identity, mission, vision, values, culture and image) are used. The data show that 57.88% of the surveyed hospitals have Facebook profiles; however, 85% displayed only 2 to 4 indicators. Unique brand awareness, the commitment to building a collective brand between the hospital and its stakeholders, and the need for corporate communication professionals are fundamental to the proper dissemination of hospital brands through Facebook“.
Accés a l’article:
Pablo Medina Aguerrebere, miembro del InCom-UAB, coautor del artículo “Brand dissemination in Canadian hospitals through Facebook”, publicado en el International Journal of Communication and Health
El articulo analiza el perfil de 311 hospitales canadienses en la red social Facebook, a partir de diez indicadores vinculados a la identidad, missión, valor, cultura e imagen de la institución
Bellaterra, 27–01–2016. El investigador Pablo Medina Aguerrebere, miembro del Grupo Comunicación y Salud (InCom-UAB), ha publicado junto a Pilar Buil Gazol (Universidad Internacional de Cataluña) y Robert L. Heath (University of Houston, School of Communication) en el último número de la revista International Journal of Communication and Health un artículo que lleva por título “Brand dissemination in Canadian hospitals through Facebook”.
En su abstract podemos leer: “Social networks have managed to boost hospitals’ corporate communication. The aim of this paper is to study the impact of Facebook on the dissemination of hospitals’brand architectures. To this end, the Facebook profiles of 311 Canadian hospitals are analysed, and 10 indicators of brand architecture (identity, mission, vision, values, culture and image) are used. The data show that 57.88% of the surveyed hospitals have Facebook profiles; however, 85% displayed only 2 to 4 indicators. Unique brand awareness, the commitment to building a collective brand between the hospital and its stakeholders, and the need for corporate communication professionals are fundamental to the proper dissemination of hospital brands through Facebook“.
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