Public Relations Inquiry


Ciudadanía y desarrollo socialComunicación de las organizacionesRelaciones públicasRevistas Científicas

Public Relations Inquiry is an international, peer-reviewed journal for conceptual, reflexive and critical discussion on public relations, supporting debates on new ways of thinking about public relations in social, cultural and political contexts, in order to improve understanding of its work and effects beyond the purely organisational realm. We interpret public relations in a broad sense, recognising the influence of public relations practices on the many forms of contemporary strategic, promotional communication initiated by organisations, institutions and individuals.

Culturomics: Interdisciplinary Path Towards Quantitative Study of Human Culture


AudienciasMetodologíaRevistas Científicas

Culture is what separates us from other living creatures. It is a complex interplay of customs and beliefs transmitted through social learning. Culture encompasses peculiar aspects of human behavior such as language, religion or art, some of which are found in all societies whereas others are endemic to specific ones. With advent of social media new cultural traits start emerging in form of emoticons, hashtags and netiquettes, shifting the paradigm of what culture is and how we relate to it.

Journal of Internet Services and Applications


Cultura digitalRevistas CientíficasTecnologías de la comunicación

The Journal of Internet Services and Applications (JISA) is a publication of the Brazilian Computing Society (SBC) in cooperation with the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee ( and the National Computer Networks Laboratory (LARC). In a world moving rapidly online, and becoming more and more computer-dependent, JISA focuses on networking, communication, content distribution, security, scalability, and management on the Internet. Coverage focuses on recent advances in state-of-the-art of Internet-related Science and Technology.

The International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion


Ciudadanía y desarrollo socialComunicación interculturalDiásporasRevistas Científicas

The International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion (IJIDI) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes research, reports from the field, book reviews, and creative works that present wide­-ranging and multidisciplinary perspectives on the intersection of equity, social justice, and information within the field of library and information science (LIS).

 Journal of Sound, Silence, Image and Technology (JoSSIT) 


Comunicación audiovisualRevistas CientíficasTecnologías de la comunicación

La revista científica Journal of Sound, Silence, Image and Technology (JoSSIT) neix en el si del grup de recerca homònim (SSIT), vinculat als centres universitaris del TecnoCampus, adscrits a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF). La vocació d’aquesta publicació és recollir el debat acadèmic i la investigació científica sobre la relació del so com a concepte ample amb un context audiovisual.

Digital War


Conflictos y GuerrasCultura digitalFotografíaRevistas Científicas

The aim of this journal is to critically explore what war means today and how it will develop in the future. As using the title ‘Digital War’ demonstrates, the focus is not to identify a new form of war but an entire emergent research field. Digital War provides an interdisciplinary forum for cutting-edge analysis of contemporary warfare, unifying researchers and knowledge from media studies, politics and IR, cybersecurity, the military, art, library and information studies, geography, and cultural studies as well as from political and technological commentators.



ArchivísticaBiblioteconomíaDivulgación científicaDocumentaciónRevistas Científicas

Infonomy, revista académica de metodologías y divulgación científica de la Información, la Documentación y la Comunicación Social. En un mundo cada vez más complejo y tecnológico, es crucial que los científicos hagan un esfuerzo por comunicar sus hallazgos al público general. La divulgación científica no solo ayuda a fomentar el interés en la ciencia y la tecnología, sino que también puede mejorar la toma de decisiones informadas en temas importantes, como la salud pública y el medio ambiente.