Journal of Digital Media & Policy


Humanidades digitalesInternetPolíticas de comunicaciónRevistas CientíficasTecnologías de la comunicación

This double-blind-peer-reviewed journal brings together and shares the work of academics, policy-makers and practitioners, offering lessons from one another’s experience. Content is broad and varied, ranging from a mixture of critical work on technology, industry and regulatory convergence, to the emerging wider socio-cultural and political questions such as the application of online networks, the rise of cloud computing and the Internet of Things.

World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies


ComunicaciónComunicación interculturalPeriodismoPolíticas de comunicaciónPsicologíaRevistas CientíficasRusia

The journal World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies (ISSN 2307-1605) is an open access peer-reviewed journal published in the English language. It represents a review of original research in the field of media and journalism studies conducted by Russian and international authors from diverse cities and institutions. World of Media is aimed at promoting the development of Russian media and journalism studies in both national and global contexts, and stimulating a wider public interest in the journalism theories, methods, findings and applications generated by research in communication and allied fields.

Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture


AudienciasCiudadanía y desarrollo socialComunicaciónCultura popularPolíticas de comunicaciónRevistas Científicas

Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture (WPCC) wishes to engage international scholars in a critical debate about the relationship between communication, culture and society in the 21st century. WPCC is a peer-reviewed journal, published online. The interdisciplinary nature of the field of Media and Cultural Studies is reflected in the diverse methods, contexts and themes of the papers published. Areas of interest include – but are not limited to – the history and political economy of the media, popular culture, media users and producers, political communication and developments arising from digital technologies in the context of an increasingly globalized and networked world. Contributions from both established scholars and those at the beginning of their academic career are equally welcome.

Revista Eptic


ComunicaciónIndustria de la comunicaciónPolíticas de comunicaciónRevistas Científicas

A Revista Eptic, ISSN 1518-2487, classificada como QUALIS B1, na área de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas I,  é produzida Observatório de Economia e Comunicação (OBSCOM) e  vinculada aos programas de pós-graduação em Comunicação (PPGCOM), Economia (NUPEC), da Universidade Federal de Sergipe. Criada em 1999, a partir de um projeto de organização de uma rede de pesquisadores a partir dos grupos de trabalho de Economia Política da Comunicação da ALAIC (Asociación Latino-americana de Investigadores de la Comunicación) e da INTERCOM (Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação). Este periódico eletrônico quadrimestral, é a única publicação do país a tratar especificamente da Economia Política da Comunicação e da Cultura, tendo forte impacto na sua área específica de atual, tanto em nível nacional quanto internacional. Divergindo do pensamento único, na multiplicidade organizacional, o grupo de pesquisadores da Rede Eptic foca seus estudos em Economia Política da Comunicação, em tópicos como o processo de oligopolização da mídia, as políticas de comunicação, as inovações na área informacional, a funcionalidade da cultura no capitalismo e os lugares da democracia e da diversidade nessas dinâmicas, sendo protagonista na organização dos estudos críticos em Economia Política da Comunicação no Brasil, na América Latina e na Europa, onde atua em parceria com a Ulepicc (Unión Latina de Economía Politica de la Información, la Comunicación y la Cultura), entidade em cuja fundação teve papel protagonista.

Public Relations Review


Comunicación de las organizacionesMárketingOpinión públicaPolíticas de comunicaciónRelaciones públicasRevistas Científicas

The Public Relations Review is the oldest journal devoted to articles that examine public relations in depth, and commentaries by specialists in the field. Most of the articles are based on empirical research undertaken by professionals and academics in the field. In addition to research articles and commentaries, The Review publishes invited research in brief, and book reviews in the fields of public relations, mass communications, organizational communications, public opinion formations, social science research and evaluation, marketing, management and public policy formation.

Media Industries Journal


Industria de la comunicaciónPolíticas de comunicaciónRevistas Científicas

Media Industries is a peer-reviewed, multi-media, open-access online journal that supports critical studies of media industries and institutions worldwide. We invite contributions that range across the full spectrum of media industries, including film, television, internet, radio, music, publishing, electronic games, advertising, and mobile communications. Submissions may explore these industries individually or examine inter-medial relations between industrial sectors. We encourage both contemporary and historical studies, and are especially interested in contributions that draw attention to global and international perspectives. Media Industries is furthermore committed to the exploration of innovative methodologies, imaginative theoretical approaches, and new research directions.

Journal of Media Economics 


Economía política de la comunicaciónIndustria de la comunicaciónMárketingPolíticas de comunicaciónRevistas Científicas

The Journal of Media Economics publishes original research on the economics and policy of mediated communication, focusing on firms, markets, and institutions. Reflecting the increasing diversity of analytical approaches employed in economics and recognizing that policies promoting social and political objectives may have significant economic impacts on media, the Journal encourages submissions reflecting the insights of diverse disciplinary perspectives and research methodologies, both empirical and theoretical.

Journal of Media Law & Ethics


ÉticaPeriodismoPolíticas de comunicaciónRevistas Científicas

This peer-reviewed scientific journal publishes theoretical and empirical papers and essays and book reviews that advance an understanding of media law and ethics and diversity in society. Submissions may have a legal, historical, psychological, social or cultural orientation but must focus on media and law, ethics or diversity. All theoretical perspectives are welcomed.