Juliana Delgado Lopera, artista bogotana, inmigrante y activista lgbti en San Francisco

Entrevista radiofónica a Juliana Delgado Lopera: Cultura que ladra (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) 

Juliana Delgado Lopera es autora de Quiéreme (Nomadic Press 2017) y ¡Cuéntamelo! (Tía Lute 2017), una colección ilustrada bilingüe de historias orales de inmigrantes LGBT Latinx. Su novela Fiebre tropical, fue publicada en 2020 por la editorial The Feminist Press. Juliana ha recibido varias becas, residencias, premios y como gestora cultural fue directora ejecutiva de RADAR Productions, una extraña obra literaria sin fines de lucro también basada en San Francisco.


Sobre Fiebre tropical (su último libro):

+ info: Los Angeles Review of Books (Dan López)

WHEN I WAS around four or five, my family relocated from the New York metropolitan area to the sprawling suburban megalopolis enveloping the southeastern corner of Florida. I don’t remember much of my early life in the Northeast, but I never shook a preference for the dense urban landscapes of my early years, even as I grew to appreciate the sand dunes and swamps that define the Sunshine State. Like many young queers of my generation, I rarely felt completely at ease in my surroundings. A palpable sense that I differed in some abstract way from those around me was ever present. So was a longing to return “home.” These feelings governed nearly every interaction I had. Thus, to a large extent, they shaped who I am today. As an adult, I realize that queers (or reluctant Floridians) don’t hold a monopoly on feelings of alienation. (Who does feel completely at ease anywhere?) Still, being queer in south Florida was an inflection point for my early feelings of otherness and as such saturates the narratives of my youth.


Hal Fischer: Gay Semiotics

+ info: Hal Fisher

Since 1977—when the first exhibition of the this series took place in San Francisco—Gay Semiotics series has been recognized as a unique and pioneering analysis of a gay historical vernacular and as an irreverent appropriation of structuralist theory. Taken directly from Fischer’s personal experiences living in the vibrant gay communities of San Francisco’s Castro and Haight-Ashbury districts, Fischer’s photo-text deconstructions are laced with humor and a formal photographic esthetic indebted as much to textbook and advertising images as it is to the photographs of August Sander.

New Book: Hal Fischer: The Gay Seventies. Edited by Griff Williams, Troy Peters. Essay by Hal Fischer.