Brazilian Creative Industries Journal 


CulturaCultura digitalCultura popularCultura visualDiseñoDiseño gráficoLenguajesRevistas CientíficasTecnologías de la comunicaciónTelevisiónVideojuegos

Brazilian Creative Industries Journal é a revista eletrônica semestral de acesso aberto (Open Access) do Mestrado Profissional em Indústria Criativa da Universidade Feevale e tem seu foco, justamente, na indústria criativa, que caracteriza-se por ter na criatividade e no capital intelectual seus principais valores.

Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture


AudienciasCiudadanía y desarrollo socialComunicaciónCultura popularPolíticas de comunicaciónRevistas Científicas

Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture (WPCC) wishes to engage international scholars in a critical debate about the relationship between communication, culture and society in the 21st century. WPCC is a peer-reviewed journal, published online. The interdisciplinary nature of the field of Media and Cultural Studies is reflected in the diverse methods, contexts and themes of the papers published. Areas of interest include – but are not limited to – the history and political economy of the media, popular culture, media users and producers, political communication and developments arising from digital technologies in the context of an increasingly globalized and networked world. Contributions from both established scholars and those at the beginning of their academic career are equally welcome.

Revista Internacional de Folkcomunicaçao


Cultura popularRevistas Científicas

A Revista Internacional de Folkcomunicação (RIF) é um periódico acadêmico da área de Folkcomunicação, com caráter interdisciplinar e publicação semestral. É editada pelo Programa de Mestrado em Jornalismo da UEPG, Rede de Estudos e Pesquisa em Folkcomunicação (Rede Folkcom) e Cátedra UNESCO/UMESP de Comunicação para o Desenvolvimento Regional.

Public Culture


Cultura popularEstudios culturalesRevistas Científicas

Public Culture is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal of cultural studies, published three times a year—in January, May, and September. It is sponsored by the Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, NYU. A four-time CELJ award winner, Public Culture has been publishing field-defining ethnographies and analyses of the cultural politics of globalization for over thirty years. The journal provides a forum for the discussion of the places and occasions where cultural, social, and political differences emerge as public phenomena, manifested in everything from highly particular and localized events in popular or folk culture to global advertising, consumption, and information networks. Artists, activists, and scholars, both well-established and younger, from across the humanities and social sciences and around the world, present some of their most innovative and exciting work in the pages of Public Culture.

Javnost – The Public


ComunicaciónCultura popularOpinión públicaPeriodismoRevistas Científicas

Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture – Javnost – The Public, an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed social and cultural science journal published by the European Institute for Communication and Culture in association with the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, addresses problems of the public sphere on international and interdisciplinary levels. It encourages the development of theory and research, and helps understand differences between cultures. Contributors confront problems of the public, public communication, public opinion, public discourse, publicness, publicity, and public life from a variety of disciplinary and theoretical perspectives.

Journal of Communication Inquiry


ComunicaciónCultura popularEstudios culturalesGéneroRevistas Científicas

The Journal of Communication Inquiry (JCI) is a forward-thinking, interdisciplinary forum that explores communication and mass communication phenomena within cultural and historical perspectives. Publishing cutting-edge research and analysis, the Journal of Communication Inquiry emphasizes philosophical, evaluative, empirical, legal, historical and critical inquiry into relationships between mass communication and society across time and culture.

Communication Theory


Ciudadanía y desarrollo socialComunicación de las organizacionesComunicación interculturalComunicación interpersonalComunicación políticaComunicación y saludCultura popularÉtica de la comunicaciónGéneroHistoria de la comunicaciónJuventud e InfanciaLingüísticaPeriodismoPolíticas de comunicaciónPsicologíaRelaciones públicasRevistas CientíficasTecnologías de la comunicaciónTeorías de la comunicaciónVideojuegos

Communication Theory is an international forum publishing high quality, original research into the theoretical development of communication from across a wide array of disciplines, such as communication studies, sociology, psychology, political science, cultural and gender studies, philosophy, linguistics, and literature.